Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Ruyton XI Towns HOME GROWN SHOW goes virtual

Dear Blogger

Message from Colin Case.

After many years of our famous HOME GROWN SHOW, the Village Hall Committee have had to cancel in 2020 because of this virus. But flowers, vegetables, cooking and crafts continue to be displayed at the Ruyton XI Towns Home Grown Show but with a difference!

This year with the need for social distancing a show in a hall would not be possible but that has not been allowed to stop us. If Chelsea can do it so can Ruyton XI Towns!

The Ruyton XI Towns Home Grown Show has gone VIRTUAL and will be available to display and see via the village website and Social media pages.

Potential entrants are invites to submit photographs of the items they might otherwise have entered by posting them on our facebook group


If you don't have access to the internet or don't have a suitable camera you are invited to ask a friend or neighbour to take them – at a safe distance of course. The Village Hall Committee as organisers of the show still want their virtual entries this year and lots of them.

So Sow, Grow and then post a Photo!




Colin Case    B.E.M.

Tel:    +44 1939 260 628

Mob:  +44 7860 904 006

VOIP: +44 1939 328 243

www.ruytonxitowns.org .uk