Friday 26 July 2024

Road closure - just observations, but nothing OFFICIAL

Dear Blogger

I was intending to walk up and talk to the workers on The Hole but people are telling me there is no-one working there today, and rumour has it the road won`t be tarmaced until Wednesday.

I am just passing on what I have been told, has anyone got any OFFICIAL information???


Village Hall Show 14th September

Dear Blogger

I have been asked to send details of Ruyton VillageHall Show again - perhaps people have found their runner beans and marrows are growing big enough to enter!

See attached poster and schedule.

Alan Smith is leaving us

Dear Blogger,

A lovely message from Alan Smith who, with his late wife, Anne, has been such a blessing to the community in Ruyton XI Towns for so long.  We thank you Alan and send all best wishes for your new life in `The City`.


It was forty years ago that Anne and came to live at Church Cottage, Ruyton XI Towns. We were both in our forties so were able to take on the work that the place demanded – as well as holding down full time employment. As we didn't frequent The Dog, some thought us, 'standoffish', no so, we simply didn't have the time – or spare money.

Through church attendance we came to know quite a number of people and later, were able to involve ourselves in village life. Both of us trod the boards with RATS, straight plays and pantomime, 'Oh yes we did'.

For a number of years I was a Church Warden and Anne, after her retirement, a Licenced Reader.

We loved living in Ruyton, not only for its location but because of its friendly people. 

The years continued to move on and in April 2021 my dearest Anne died of  cancer. Shortly after I was diagnosed with sciatica and emphysema.  This has not only made getting about painful and  tiring but led me to realise that, at my age, living in Church Cottage, with its large garden and the maintenance needed, was no longer viable.

With the property sold, subject to contract, I shall be moving out on the 1st August. Initially to a rented flat, but then to a retirement apartment that I am in the process of purchasing, in Stiperstones Court, Abbey Foregate. It will be nearer to my daughter, it has the facilities needed and means that I won't need to drive all the time.

I will really miss living in Ruyton XI Towns and thank you all for your friendship and kindness over the years.

With best wishes to you all,


Thursday 25 July 2024

Foolscap envelopes for free

Dear Blogger

Does anyone want 24 white & 8 brown foolscap envelopes which appear to have bought by mistake to send out copies of Roger & Yoland`s autobiography.

Please take them away! 

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Video of the history of Oswestry

Dear Blogger

Message from Heather Hidden, Oswestry & Borderlands Historical Archeology Society

The outstanding brief video history of Oswestry, researched and written by John Pryce-Jones and narrated by Samantha Jones for the Oswestry Heritage Action Zone project, has already been viewed by over 2000 people.  It lasts for about 12 minutes and can be accessed on the following link.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

More and more road closures!

Dear Blogger

Many many thanks to Maggie Lokier who has given us more depressing roads closed news!

Back road via Stanwardine/PGL to Wykey is showing delays of 15mins [1 1/2hrs more like it]. They are putting in poles for fibre broadband. That is 23-25th July.

Stop/Go boards 29th to 2nd August other side of Baschurch railway crossing  utility maintenance no time shown

Roundabout at Prescott to Walford Heath is closed until tomorrow 9.30-4pm relining following resurfacing.

Then traffic lights section of road from A528 from Marton Junction, Myddle to B4297 Junction at Burlton just installed today to 30th August 7am to 7pm

Finally I note road between Grafton & Yeaton is to be closed 1st August 8am to 6pm.

Someone commented that it wouldn't be summer if Baschurch wasn't isolated.

It appears they are determined to wind people up. Speeds of some people are stupid.

`Thanks` Maggie!

I hope RATS are working on a whole set of skits of these road closure sagas - they are a whole pantomime.

Brownhill road Ruyton is CLOSED

Dear Blogger

Yes, it has been closed since around 10.30 and I should have let you know before - but I am afraid I am heartily fed up with our road closures.

I have been watching the number of cars which have cheerfully driven from Baschurch and then driven back, after presumably, a 10point turn on a narrow part of the road.

Why do they think the rules don`t apply to them?

Happy motoring

Fabric Basket Making on the Cliffe

Dear Blogger

Message from Joanna Gears

FABRIC BASKET MAKING @ The Workshop on the Cliffe

Wildflower meadow, Bridge Field

Dear Blogger

Message from David Shearan

WILDFLOWER MEADOW AT BRIDGE FIELD, PLATT BRIDGE  Some of you may have noticed that the meadow was cut this weekend. It was almost certainly a 
little early because pollinators were still taking advantage of the remaining flowers. This was 
more a matter of convenience because Dave Peate was out with his magic mower cutting paths at 
the Spinney and he may not have been able to find the time later on. The good thing is that 
many of the wildflowers had already produced seed heads so these will have been returned to 
the soil.  The meadow has an inherent problem which is the richness of the soil. This means that docks are 
petty dominant and the wildflowers can struggle to compete. There was a suggestion that some of
the topsoil could be removed and replaced with poorer subsoil and this will be explored for next 
year.    In the meantime the cuttings from the recent mowing will need to be removed soon to prevent 
them further enriching the soil. Volunteers anyone?  

Monday 22 July 2024

Update on bus timetable and various roadworks

Dear Blogger

Message from Trevor Allison - many thanks to Trevor, especially for the additional information about the other road works.

  As you will have gathered the situation is NOT as expected as the road closure has not yet begun, for reasons as yet unknown! WHEN the road is closed the bus will do as described in previous email, and it will be a minibus. SO the ONLY place in the village you will be able to catch the bus is the CROSS, and the buses going in the Oswestry direction will run anything up to half an hour late, while the ones going to Shrewsbury should be on time from the CROSS but take anything up to half an hour longer to get to Shrewsbury. The bus company is trying to do its best, but it is NOT helped by the current road closure between Prescott and Walford Heath and is therefore going by the longer and narrower Yeaton route. In addition the current roadworks in Shrewsbury on the approach to the railway station means the traffic can be queueing from the Coton Hill traffic lights all the way along Coton Hill to the railway bridge.

    This is all the result of the Traffic Planners being overwhelmed by the current rash of 'improvement' schemes and repairs. If you want to complain to anyone I suggest you got to the top and e-mail Lesley Picton; there is nothing else sensible we can do.

Hugo at the Old Top Shop is keeping an eye on the work and will let me know when the road is actually closed to traffic.

Ruth at Cafe Eleven says we can get information on all road works from this link

Ruyton bus services during Brownhill Road closure?

Dear Blogger

I have had an enquiry about the bus services during the closure of the Brownhill this week, so I contacted Tanat Valley Bus Company.

It is now 2pm on Monday 22nd but the traffic is moving as normal along the Brownhill.  If anyone knows if there are workmen mending a culvert and when the traffic will be stopped, please let me know and I can spread the information.

You would think it was the job of someone in authority to keep the village informed about this sort of thing, rather than leaving it to a little old B&B lady!

Many thanks to Tanat Valley for this information

Bus Services this week

The main B4397 through Ruyton XI Towns will be closed from 22 Jul to 26 July 2024.
This is a Full Closure to repair a collapsed culvert.

From Oswestry, the 576 can run as far as The Cross, Ruyton XI Towns.
From Shrewsbury, the 576 can run as far as Admiral Duncan, Baschurch.

Diversion would be:
From The Cross, Ruyton XI Towns: return to Shotatton, A5 South, Left at Wolfshead Roundabout, Left after Nescliffe Village Hall, through Great Ness, through Little Ness, through Milford, turn left to Admiral Duncan, Baschurch, turn around to continue on route..
From the Admiral Duncan, Baschurch: return and turn right for Milford Road, through Milford, through Little Ness, through Great Ness, turn right through Nescliffe, turn right onto A5, turn right at Shotatton, to the Cross, Ruyton XI Towns, turn around to continue on route.

The B5067 Walford Heath to Shrewsbury Road Baschurch, is closed, this is in place between 09:30-16:00 22 July to 24 July 2024.

The diversion route will be via Yeaton in both direction at these times.

We are also experience challenges entering Shrewsbury as a result of the traffic lights.

So delays a possible:
For the diversion dates there will be an adjusted timetable:

We appreciate your patients at this time.

So much goes on in Oswestry, where England meets Wales

Dear Blogger


We are so lucky to live here where so much goes on for locals as well as tourists.

View this email in your browser

Oswestry Borderland Tourism Business Newsletter

Summer marketing campaign July to September 2024
Promoting places to stay and family fun days 
Oswestry Summer of Art and guided tours
Membership appeal
Oswestry Tourist Information Centre new location
The stats so far
Order town maps to collect from the Tourist Information Centre

We are about to launch our summer marketing campaign which will encourage visitors to discover a Shropshire countryside town and all the laid back ways to enjoy summer in Oswestry and the Borderlands. 
Places to stay, eat and drink, family days out and walking will all feature. 
The campaign will consist of paid ads on Facebook, a Summer newsletter and a unique landing page on the web site.
Are you a standard plus and premium member of Visit Oswestry? Get in touch to have a feature entry in the promotion. 
See the unique web page for the summer campaign
Places to stay

Promoting places to stay in Oswestry and the Borderlands

Do you have any special offers? Had a refurbishment or just updated your property? Let us know so we can promote you through the summer.
we would love to have new images too for your web page and to use on Social Media
Accommodation - news - email us here
Family Fun Days

Family fun days

Tell us your ideas for great family days out this summer. Can be free or paid attractions. What is your favourite free day out in the Borderlands? Where will you go this summer?
Into wild swimming? We would love to know where you go. 
Got a family friendly event to promote? Are you on our events list?
Email us here with ideas for family friendly days out

Oswestry Summer of Art 

Lots of events going on all summer up to and including Heritage Open Days 
Check out the Summer of Art events here

Visit Oswestry - did you know?

This email comes to you from Oswestry Borderland Tourism (Visit Oswestry). 
We are a not for profit organisation mostly run by volunteers. We are not funded by Shropshire Council, Visit Wales or any other government bodies.

Did you know?
Oswestry Town Council supports Visit Oswestry but this does not even cover our staff wages at the Tourist information Centre?
We have 5 board members who all give their time freely?
We attend meetings of Visit Shropshire to ensure that Oswestry and the Borderlands are represented at county level?
We send information to Visit Shropshire to promote Oswestry and the Borderlands?
We pay for a marketing consultant for one day each week but all other promotion is done by our staff?
The average spend per visitor in the TIC is 65p per head?
Most of our images are provided by Graham Mitchell (Grum) at no cost. He goes walking every day and share his images with us?
Members of Visit Oswestry can use Grum's images without charge?

We produced 50,000 maps of Oswestry at no cost to any business?


Your membership enables us to promote Oswestry and the Borderlands to a world wide audience but we need your help to continue - please join us. Membership costs from £75 for one year.

Not on Enquire now about membership.

Oswestry Tourist Information Centre

Don't forget to tell your visitors about the Tourist Information Centre and our new location. Send them along to collect leaflets, maps and find out more about the all the great events that are on this summer. 
Call in to meet Karen, Ann, Di and Kate and say hello to our lovely volunteers who are helping out through the summer. 
If you have an hour or two to spare, do give Karen a call. Your time could help us keep our TIC open.
You can collect copies of the town maps from there too. If you would like a full box (300), let Karen know and she will have them ready for you to collect.
Order town maps to collect from the TIC

Guided Tours every Saturday at 11am

Please tell your visitors about our guided tours. Our volunteer guides take walks around town at 11 am from the Tourist Information Centre every Saturday until the end of September. We are asking for a voluntary donation this year - we suggest £5 but it is still optional.
Love Oswestry? Why not be a guide? 
Love Oswestry? Become an Oswestry Tourism Ambassador.

Become an Oswestry Tourism Ambassador - it's free, fun and a great way to tell people more about Oswestry and the Borderlands.

This year's stats to date

Visit Oswestry is growing! Web site, Facebook and Instagram are all showing an increase on 2023. 
This year's figures to the beginning of July.
Are your leaflets in the Tourist Information Centre? 
We are short of printed leaflets and brochures for members' businesses and events. You can drop them off at The TIC - open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10 to 3pm.
Visit Oswestry on Twitter
Visit Oswestry on Facebook
Visit Oswestry
Visit Oswestry on Instagram
Our Vision is for Oswestry & The Borderlands to be seen as one of the most desirable UK destinations, providing a welcoming and memorable visitor experience that reflects the area's historic, cultural and natural heritage. Please join to help us achieve this.
Visit Oswestry is a not for profit company supported by volunteers.

You don`t have to be a tourist to visit the TIC

Dear Blogger

The The Tourist Information Centre is moving to Oswestry Market so will be open on Market days.

You don`t have to be a tourist to make use of the TIC - they are a mine of information, books, leaflets on local attractions and gifts.  Please pay them a visit in Oswestry Market Hall and learn more about your local town.

Oswestry Town Tourist Information Centre is moving to Oswestry Market Hall

Oswestry VIC
Oswestry Tourist Information Centre is moving from Castle View to Oswestry Town Indoor Market. The centre will be re-open on Saturday 27th July from 10am to 3pm.
The TIC will be closed on Wednesday 24th and Friday 26th July.
We are sorry to tell you that The TIC is moving from Castle View. After a successful 4 years at Castle View, we were disappointed to hear that Shropshire Council had decided to transfer more departments to Castle View and have given us notice to quit. We looked at various options but decided that moving to the market hall would not only be a central point for visitors but also help to drive footfall into the indoor market. 
Since moving from the Visitor Centre by the church to Castle View, visitor numbers have been growing. In 2023 we welcomed over 5000 visitors to the centre.
Please let your visitors know and do call in to say hello and to collect maps and leaflets.
Oswestry Town Tourist Information Centre
Powis Market Hall
Open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 10am to 3pm

Free information and maps
Local Crafts
Greetings card and gifts