Friday, 31 January 2020

Exhibitions, workshops & projects at QUBE, Oswestry

Dear Blogger

Message from Qube, Oswestry

Check out our latest news, exhibitions, workshops and projects coming up this February at Qube...

New Exhibition: A Question of Balance

7th February to 9th March

During our annual Qube Arts Open visitors are invited to vote for their favourite work in the gallery. The artist with the most votes receives their own exhibition. The 2019 winner was Ruby Reseigh, who will be collaborating with fellow artists from across the UK.
Image: Ruby Reseigh

Calling all Photographers!

Our Photographic competition & exhibition is back for 2020. The theme this year is 'Lines'. There's a judges prize of ú100 and a People's choice prize of ú20. Deadline 28th February. ú5 per entry.

New for 2020: Under 16s category! Win an Instax mini 9 camera. Entry ú2.

Click here for full details...

Courses and events

Have you seen our latest courses and events brochure yet? We have a great range of arts, wellbeing and computer courses coming up this spring. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Click here for a full list of courses...

Image: Maggie Furmanek

New creative social group for women who love to be creative!

Qube is launching a new group thanks to funding from the Tampon Tax Community Fund. æWork in ProgressÆ will offer two free monthly meetups for women, age 18+, who want to take some time out, be creative & make new friends.

First sessions: Monday 24 February, 6:30-8:30pm & Saturday 29 February, 10am - 12noon

Click here for full details...

Did you know we had a new Thursday social group?

At Qube we look for new ways to help people stay connected, meet new friends and get the support they need. We run social groups every week, both fun and friendly place to meet new people and try out some fun activities.

Call Qube on 01691 656882 or email for details and a full timetable of activities.

Visit our website to see all our activities and opportunities...
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Qube, Oswald Road, Oswestry, SY11 1RB

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Little Ness Craft Club AMENDMENTS

Dear Blogger

Message from Karen Smith, Little Ness.

There were some errors in the dates for Craft Club in the Church Around the Cliffe newsletter and I don't want people to turn up and us not be there. It says we are on Monday the 3rd of Feb and we are not.   I know the newsletter can't be amended, but if we can reach as many people as possible with the correction, it might save some disappointment.

Little Ness Craft Club is on the following dates at 2pm until 4pm:

Feb 10th & Feb 24th
March 9th & March 23rd
April dates tba 

Any enquiries to Karen on 07432 092447

Local author`s book, Diary of a Mid-life Cyclist

Dear Blogger

Message from Jane Cullen, Baschurch.

Diary of a Mid-Life Cyclist

If youÆve ever fancied doing something out of the ordinary, or setting yourself a challenge, then æDiary of a Mid-Life CyclistÆ by Jane Cullen might be the book for you!

Baschurch-resident Jane, has written an account of her recent exploits on a bicycle, including last year riding the length of France with her husband û passing through the pretty town of Giat (twinned with Baschurch!) on the way. Jane writes:

"Seven years ago, I was a pretty ordinary 40-something, who found herself astride a bicycle for the first time in years, for a charity bike ride. It was such an amazing experience that I vowed there and then I would cycle LandÆs End to John OÆGroats, and once I completed that, I set my sights on cycling the length of France. In between the 2 rides, life got in the way, so my adventures ended up 5 years apart, but I was so moved by the sense of achievement, and the beauty of the scenery (especially through France), that I felt compelled to write it all down. I wanted to share my experiences, saddle sores and all, in the hope that anyone reading my book might realise that if I can do it, almost anyone can! "

DIARY OF A MID-LIFE CYCLIST is available on Amazon in Kindle e-book and paperback.