Thursday, 30 January 2020

Ruyton Parish Council Agenda Tuesday 4 Feb

Dear Blogger

Message from Lydia Bardsley, Parish Clerk

    Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council next meet on 4th February 2020

    At 6.30 pm at The Victoria Room, Ruyton XI Towns

    Members of the public are welcome to attend.

    The meeting's agenda can be found on the Council's website, by following the link below:

              Also attached with this email

    There will be an update on Neighbourhood Planning, and arrangements for SmartWater kits for the parish. There is also one planning application to be discussed, and a new grant awarding policy and procedure to be adopted.

Kind regards,

    Lydia Bardsley
Clerk to Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
01691 238267
164 Cabin Lane
SY11 2PF