Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Plant sale at Hall Farm Nursery, Kinnerley

Dear Blogger

Message from Hall Farm Nursery, Kinnerley.

We are having a BIG SUMMER PLANT SALE.

It is looking unlikely that our usual weekend plant fairs will resume this year, so we have taken the decision to sell off some of our stock through a sale.

There are lots of fantastic bargains for you -  plants for £1 and £2, half price and other reductions.

All sales are from the web site. The nursery remains closed because we are caring for elderly parents.

You can collect pre-ordered plants from the nursery or we can deliver larger orders.

It's easy to spot the sale items on the web site – just look for the BOLD PRICES in the A to Z list. Order by email, using the bold plant code for sale items.

With Best wishes

Christine & Nic


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Hall Farm Nursery

Vicarage Lane,




SY10 8DH


(:  01691 682135