Dear Blogger
Message from Colleen, West Felton - my apologies for this information being so late, my fault not Colleen`s
West Felton British Legion - 102 years on
with thanks to donations from Ruyton XI Towns
Dear Blogger
Message from Colleen, West Felton - my apologies for this information being so late, my fault not Colleen`s
West Felton British Legion - 102 years on
with thanks to donations from Ruyton XI Towns
Dear Blogger
Message from Heather Hidden, OBHAG
Oswestry & Border History & Archaeology Group
Our next meeting is at the Methodist Church Hall, Castle Street SY11 1LFFriday 10th January at 7.30 pm
'Welsh and English in Medieval Oswestry: The Evidence of Place Names'
Dr. Parsons is a reader at Centre for Advanced Welsh and Celtic Studies and works on the vernacular languages of medieval Britain. His has recently completed the English Place-Name Society's volume on Welsh and English place names in the hundred of Oswestry
Dear Blogger
Message forwarded by Ingrid Knowles,
WILFRED OWEN FESTIVAL 15th - 23 March 2025
First World War Poet, Wilfred Owen, was born in Oswestry. This is a good opportunity to learn more about the poet who died on the last day of that dreadful war.
Dear Blogger
Message from Jackie Jones, Prescott Surgery Patient Group
See attached
a. Prescott Surgery Christmas opening hours and
b. Area Pharmacy Christmas opening hours
Dear Blogger
Message from Willow Gallery, Oswestry