Monday, 25 February 2013

Planning Application for Birch Grove

Think of the numbers of cars per household, parked on the road and on waste ground and then read this proposal.

Our Parish Council has received formal notification of Shropshire Council's proposal to build 5 new Homes on the site of existing garages in Birch Grove and Birch Close. The full text of the notification is presented below. Note, however, that the two drawings included are confidential at this stage and we must respect that classification.
As Chair of our Parish Council, it would help us to consider our response if we are made aware of the views of residents - those living near the proposed development, those currently using the garages and parking areas (the proposal covers BOTH parking areas) -and, indeed, any other residents of our Parish.
You can email me ( or our Clerk ( or phone me (numbers below) or write (High Bank, Brownhill, Ruyton XI Towns, SY4 1LR) or just stop me when you see me around.
You may not be aware of the precise meaning of the term "Affordable Homes". In our area, this means Council-owned properties, allocated for rent according to the prevailing Homepoint system. Note, however, that all rented Council Properties are likely to managed by an "ALMO" in the near future (ALMO means "Arms Length Management Organisation") The notification refers to "a Local Letting Policy" that may be drawn up, but we have no information regarding this at the moment. In this context "Affordable Homes" does NOT mean "small homes for sale on the open market, but built to be at the lower end of open market cost". This sometimes causes confusion.
I am circulating this notification because I see that debate has started in other areas (Ellesmere, for example) and it is important that our residents have the same opportunity to comment.

This is the text of the formal notification as received by our Parish Council:-

Shropshire Council has committed to build 62 new homes in Shropshire, working in partnership with the Homes & Communities Agency who will be part-funding the programme. This is due to finish in March 2015. The 62 new homes will be a mix of affordable rent and low cost home ownership properties. The rented properties will become part of Shropshire Council’s housing stock.
The 62 units will be spread around 14 different areas in Shropshire and many of the proposed development areas are infill or garage sites that the Council already owns. For the last few months a variety of feasibility studies have been carried out on each site (ranging from legal searches and initial talks with Planners to ground investigation trial pits) to determine the viability of each site. This stage is largely complete and consultation with relevant stakeholders is now due to commence. Further to completing the majority of site investigation works we wanted to provide you with further information relating to the proposed site within your parish. 
The site that is likely to be of interest to you is:
Site Address                                      Postcode             Proposed Work
Birch Grove, Ruyton XI Towns     SY4 1LH                 Demolition of 5 existing garages. Erection of 5 new houses on two different sites in Birch Grove
Although housing need in each area has been assessed, the exact mix of properties is still to be decided and a Local Letting Policy is likely to be drawn up for each area.
We have also contacted the relevant Councillors advising them of our proposals  and we will shortly be entering into an open consultation stage with the public.
I have attached preliminary (confidential) drawings of our proposals for your information. I would welcome your comments on this development and where possible would seek your support of our proposals. I am happy to discuss matters in greater detail and I can be contacted at the below.
Colin Case
Tel: +44 1939 260628
Mobile: +44 7860 904006
Fax: +44 872 115 8730
--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626