If you have any interest in the area where you live, you must find out about this evocotive Iron Age hillford right here on our doorstep.
The mysterious low-lying earthwork, originally surrounded by water and joined to land by a man made causeway
This will be the third of our series to learn more about the village. Our speaker will be Shelagh Hampton from the Shropshire Archaeological and Historical Society. She will be giving a talk on The Berth. In addition Jan Ing will put up a display of local flora and Martin Richards has agreed to bring his Canals talk as it was rushed through at the first Local History evening (work schedule permitting).
£4.00 including refreshments, children free.
Further details from 01939 261293 (Anita) or 01939 261464 (Catherine).
-- Yoland Brown Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club www.eleventowns.co.uk www.eleventowns.com www.ShACC-uk.org Tel: 01939 261 121 Fax: 01939 260626