Friday, 4 October 2019

November events at Oswestry Library

Dear Blogger

Message from Siobhan Shaw, Oswestry Library.

Oswestry Family & Local History Group

Monday 4, 11, 18, 25 November, 10-12 noon

Friday 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 November, 1.30-4pm

Oswestry Family and Local History volunteers run a twice-weekly advice service at Oswestry Library. Teams of trained, knowledgeable volunteers work alongside library staff to help both newcomers and experienced researchers to get the most from the expanded range of resources available. No booking required, just drop in.

One on One computer help at the library!

Did you know that we have a team of volunteers who provide one on one IT support for customers at the library? They will sit with you, either using your own device or one of our library computers, and help you to work through whatever issue it is you're having, be it setting up an email address, or learning to navigate your first smartphone. The support is completely free, but MUST be pre-booked as volunteers are available by appointment only. At present, bookable sessions are available each week on a Tuesday morning, Wednesday all day, and Friday morning. Ask staff to book your place.

Let's Talk Local Drop-in for Carers

Every Thursday, 12:30ù14:30


If you look after someone who would be unable to manage without your help and you would like information, guidance or someone to talk to, then Juliette is here to support you.

For ongoing Carers support in Shropshire, call Carers Trust 4 All : 01743 341995

To request a Carers Assessment or find out about support in your local area, call First Point of Contact: 0345 6789 044

AUTHOR EVENT! Storytime with Carol Harris

Saturday 2 Nov 11-12noon

Millipedes, moths and aliens- fun facts about health for children! Come and listen to Carol Harris reading from her new book û Adventures of the Hogball.  Learn some interesting facts about things like blue light, bacteria in your gut and positive thinking.  Have a go at colouring in some kangaroos and piglets.  Choose a name for an owl, newt or squirrel.  Free, no booking required. Suitable ages 7+

Writing Surgery with Dave Andrews

Tuesday 5 Nov 11am

Thinking of giving writing a go? Or have you already got a project in progress? Join Dave Andrews, Oswestry Library Reader & Writer in Residence, for a free drop in advice session at the library, on how to get the most out of your writing. No pre-book required, just come along and ask for Dave.

Hearing Aid Clinic - Wednesday 6 Nov 10-12noon

Hearing aid clinic run by NHS trained volunteers. Drop in to have your hearing aid cleaned and serviced. No booking required.

Learning at Lunchtime: Fantasy Frocks or Fabric of Society?

Wednesday 6 Nov 1-2pm

æCostumeÆ has long been treated as a frivolous  distraction from serious history, while fashionÆs extremes are plundered for fancy-dress.  But making clothes is one of the things that make us human, and weÆve never dressed merely to keep warm.   This illustrated talk with Sarah Thursfield will show how the subject is misrepresented and how, far from being frivolous or insignificant, dress is both a vital social communication and a record of historical change.  

AUTHOR EVENT! Book signing with Chris Sloan

Saturday 9 Nov, 10-1pm

Chris Sloan will be signing copies of his new book, æThe CompanyÆ, at Oswestry Library.

Creative Writing workshop with Dave Andrews

Tue 12 Nov 10-12noon

A session for new and experienced writers who work in either English or Welsh. Bring pen and paper and be prepared to use your imagination and to express yourself! There will be opportunities to reflect on your work and to discuss it with Dave. ú10, please book

Books Aloud

Tuesday 12 & 26 Nov 2-3pm

Come and relax with a cup of tea and listen to an hour of reading aloud, aimed at adults. Free, no booking required.

Learning at Lunchtime: Do you play the Ukulele?

Wed 13 Nov 12.30-1.30pm

Local player John Croft will chat about the birth and development of the Ukulele and the Banjo Uke. He will bring along several instruments to illustrate his talk and to play, and he will be very happy to answer any questions from the audience. John will also have

available for purchase, his highly acclaimed 300 page hardback book, æAll about the Banjo UkeÆ. ú3 per head, please book.

Learning at Lunchtime: Anti-Bullying, with Lise McNamara

Thu 14 Nov 12.30-1.45

The normal social network is under great strain and an increase in bullying is a symptom of this. Awareness of the factors that are increasing social isolation and the drivers of why children are bullying each other is a start to change it. ú4 per head, please book.

Chatter & Natter

Thursday 14 & 28 Nov, 10-11am

We are creating a space for people to talk, whether it is for five minutes or an hour while you drink a brew. Free, no booking required. Just come along!

Lego Club

Thursday 7, 14, 21, 28 November, 3.30-4.30pm
Saturday 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 November 11-2pm

Free drop in session to play with Lego in the library! Self-guided activity, parental supervision required.

Singing for Health with Chloe Murray

Friday 8, 15,22,29 November & 5 December (10.30-11.45am

Relax and discover how Singing for Health can help support your health and wellbeing. No previous experience or talent required! Chloe is a professional community choir leader in Shropshire and Mid-Walesû visit to find out more. ú7.50 per individual session (early booking recommended) or ú30 for the block

Rhymetime at the library!

Monday 4, 11, 18, 25 November 2-2.30pm

Half an hour of rhymes and singing for under five. Free, no need to book!

Dungeons & Dragons at the Library

Saturday 9 November, 9.30 for under 16s, 1pm for over 16s.

Join the Shropshire Dungeon Master for another whirlwind adventure into the world of monsters, dragons and otherworldly realms- right here in the library! Book with the Shropshire Dungeon Master direct on 07454797995 or message him on Facebook!

Christmas Garland Craft workshop with Dzintra!

Friday 16 Nov 11-2pm

Join community artist Dzintra Bernsaida for a free Christmas Garland craft workshop! Suitable 5+, free no booking required.

Learning at Lunchtime: Poetry Live with Dave Andrews

Thu 21 Nov 12-2pm

Dave Andrews, Reader/Writer in Residence at Oswestry Library, discusses and reads a selection of well-known and less well-known poems. Dave invites you, if you wish, to bring your own favourite poem to the follow-up session. ú4, please book.

Board Game CafÚ

Saturday 23 November, 10-1pm

Come along and try a board game, or bring one from home. Suitable all ages, no pre-booking necessary.

Knit for Life

Wed 27 November 1.30-3pm

Knit for Life is a local knitting charity supporting direct aid distributions of knitting to many countries around the world.  We mostly make blanket squares, hats and toys and sew together squares to make blankets.   No booking required, just come along.

CarerÆs Trust

Thursday 28 November 10:30-11:30am

A free social group for registered and unregistered carers. Come along for tea and a chat. No booking required. 

 Siobhan Shaw

Branch Manager, Libraries Team
Oswestry Library, 9 Arthur Street, Oswestry SY11 1JN

01743 250351

For events and activities in libraries across Shropshire visit Shropshire Libraries