Dear Blogger
Message from Karen Smith, Little Ness.
I am a member of Shropshire Astronomical Society and we meet at 8pm at Little Ness village hall on the 2nd Saturday of the month until April. We don't meet between May and August because the nights are so light we'd be there until very late looking for stars! Anyone is welcome to join us and the event is free. No telescopes are necessary as our members bring some and are more than happy for people to look through them. Stan Courtney leads the sessions and he's more than happy to explain how telescopes work and what you are looking at when you stargaze. We have the use of the hall for toilets but people would need to bring their own refreshments and wrap up warm, even in the warmer months. Stan will be there even if it's cloudy to help with any telescope queries and we stay until it gets to cold or to cloudy. Our remaining viewing dates are:
December 14th
Jan 11th
Feb 8th
April 11th
More details can be found on Facebook @SASAstroSoc