Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Courses to make Christmas rings and wreaths

Dear Blogger

Message from Cathy Preston -                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I don`t know Cathy Preston but she does give her full details below and Maesbrook does show our mailing list is having influence in other villages in the area.

Join us to have fun creating natural festive decorations

Christmas rings and wreaths û Maesbrook Village Hall
Saturday 23 Nov 10-12 noon

Saturday 23 Nov 2-4pm  family session
Weave a ring using willow, dogwood and other natural materials û dried flower heads and lots of different greenery will be provided to decorate your ring ready for celebrating the festive season

ú20 per session
The afternoon session is suitable for families - the fee includes an adult & up to 2 children

To book contact Cathy 01691 831577 or email


Cathy Preston, More than Willow, The Elms, Maesbrook, Oswestry , SY10 8QF

e:  t: 07854778931