Dear Blogger
Message from Jackie Jones, Prescott Surgery Patient Group
Please read the four attached advice leaflets on the Covid 19 Vaccinations
COVID Vaccine
Please share with the community. There are 4 attachments - News From Prescott Surgery & Three Leaflets.
Many thanks
Jackie Jones MInstLM (Dip)
Executive Coach & Leadership Mentor
Shropshire CCG Programme Board Member, Shropshire Care Closer to Home
Chair of Prescott Surgery Patient Group, Baschurch, Shropshire
Member of SaTH People's Patient Panel & SaTH Dementia Steering Group
Dementia Friends Champion
Information Source – Prescott Surgery & SaTH
Coronavirus Vaccine Update 13thJanuary 2021
Prescott Surgeryis notcurrently vaccinating patients with the Covid-19 vaccine. The vaccination centre is being held at numerous sites including Shropshire Conference Education Centre SECC, Shrewsbury Hospital.
The first vaccine will be provided to patients in the priority order agreed by the government and the JVCI
A second vaccine will not be provided until 12 weeks following the first vaccine. Please wait until you receive your appointment 12 weeks later and please do not turn up at Shropshire Conference Centre without anappointment.
Over 15,00013.01.2021 have now been vaccinated at the Shropshire and Telford Hospital. The Astra Zeneca and Moderna vaccine have now been received by the hospital. Rollout of the vaccine is always dependent on availability of resources and supply of vaccinations. In addition to the doctors and nurses who are able to vaccinate, WMAS will also be supporting the vaccination programme.