Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Ruyton XI Towns Parish Newsletter 27 April 2021

Dear Blogger

Message from Lydia Bardsley, Ruyton XI Towns Parish Clerk.


Parish Council – uncontested election

At the close of nominations on 8th April, there were fewer nominations than available seats on the Parish Council, and therefore the candidates shown in the attached notice of uncontested election have been duly elected unopposed. They will take up office on 10th May 2021. This means that there will be two vacancies, which the Parish Council has the right to fill by co-option within 35 days of the date of the election. More information about being a councillor can be found on the Local Election page of our website. Please feel free to contact the clerk if you are interested in joining the Council or if you have any queries (NB. new phone number: 01691 674742).

Shropshire Council Unitary Election – Ruyton & Baschurch division

Elections are going ahead for the Shropshire Council Ruyton & Baschurch division. Please see notices below for more information.

Shropshire Council Unitary Election Statement of Persons Nominated

Shropshire Council Unitary Election Notice of poll

Police and Crime Commissioner

Elections are going ahead for the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner. Please see notices below for more information.

PCC Statement of Persons Nominated

PCC Notice of Election Agents


Recent Articles:
Local Elections 6th May 2021
Parish Council launches Climate Emergency Working Group
Road Closure 3-5 February
Covid-19 lockdown
Post Office service in Ruyton XI Towns
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Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
164 Cabin Lane
Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 2PF