Wednesday, 2 August 2023

IMPORTANT traffic calming plans

Dear Blogger


Have you checked out the link to see the plans for traffic calming in the village,
Sent on the mailing list on 26th July, News from the Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council from Lydia Bardsley, Parish Clerk. 

It is most important that you know what is planned to take place in October half term - when there has been no public meeting on the subject.

You can find more information about the CIL proposals on the Shropshire Council Community Infrastructure Levy webpage, which includes design maps, streetlighting plans, artists impressions, and some FAQs.

Why do we need 22 more street lights? This is not Telford!   The plan is so well designed that there appears to be a street light in the middle of the entrance to Brownhill House drive!

There are 7 sets of speed bumps planned for the Brownhill.  These are completely pointless as the only vehicles they slow down are kit cars like ours, and certainly not lorries.

Can it be legal to plan these changes to be made in less than two months, without any consultation meeting having been held.

There are no plans to slow down the term time school traffic in School Road.

Please think about these plans and make your feelings heard by emailing

Lydia Bardsley,

If you have any further questions, please email: