No, we are not dead, just keeping the curtains drawn to stop our heat
escaping into the garden.
I have been researching the winter of 1963 and believe you me, this is
nothing compared with the blizzards which started on 29th December with
the average temperature was minus 2 until the thaw on 6th March!
How are you all out there? Please contact the mailing list if you need
help - do you need someone to do your shopping? Have you got enough
logs/coal? Do you need medicines to be picked up from the surgery? or
anything else. Please use this mode of contact which goes out to 200
people in the immediate area.
As keeping the house warm is costing a flipping fortune, turn down the
radiators in unused rooms (not bathrooms) and whack it up in the room
you are living in.
Many thanks to our paper boy who has delivered the Shropshire Star every
day, as has the milkman, delivering milk in returnable glass bottles and
saving me from going out of the house to source milk for our coffee.
Have not seen anything of the postman for a couple of days.
Compared to other parts of the country, we have been very lucky in this
corner of Shropshire.
Reading about 1963, indicates how people helped each other back then, so
do keep an eye on vunerable neighbours - if they have not drawn back
their curtains, they are probably very sensibly conserving heat and not
Best wishes to all.
Yoland Brown
Brownhill House B&B & Garden, Ruyton XI Towns nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR
Tel: 01939 261 121 uk
ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club -
MAILING LIST for Ruyton XI Towns area
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