Tuesday, 5 March 2019

LADS this Thursday - two great productions in March

Message from Pam Johnson, Llanymynech Amateur Dramatic Society.

Starting this Thursday - two great productions in March
Not one, but two productions for you to enjoy in March, starting this Thursday.
... and also Dirty Dusting
When three cleaners run a telephone sex line for a weekend there are some unexpected results! This hilarious and warm hearted comedy has been on a national tour - now coming to you in Llanymynech and Kinnerley.
Tickets for all performances, with the exception of those at Kinokulture, can be reserved by calling Marg Kynaston on
01691 830558 or bought online at 


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Pam Johnson · Dingle Cottage · Trefonen · Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 9DQ · United Kingdom

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