Tuesday, 26 March 2019

TGR Episode 1 - A New Venture For Distorted Gamer

I feel like I have to explain this episode title just a little bit.  This was our very first podcast episode title for Loot Ninja, and it set the bar on everything that we would do after that.  Over 60+ episodes later and I sit here typing a "new" podcast post for this blog - The Distorted Gamer.  In a way it's a subtle tribute.  A way to say thanks.

I will not count any of the episodes before this as part of TGR.  We are starting fresh, starting new, and are re-branding ourselves and turning over a new stone.  So with that comes a new format, a new episode style labeling system, but with the same old twisted-ness you've come to know and love.  I would have named this episode "TGR Episode 1 - Dalyn Has Horrible Protein Farts", but I feel I should give credit where credit is due.  Enjoy today's show everyone.  Welcome back to your home of stupid.

On today's Twisted Gamer Radio:
- Mom Spends Thousands For Teen To Win Prom Queen
- Recession? Nah, We Gotta Marry Dogs
- Worst Video Game Purchase Ever Made
- Quick Hits
- Fucked Up News:  Kid Is Ass Raped By A Wii-Mote
- Sound Clip Corner:  Technical Difficulties

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