Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Churchyard Working party

Dear Blogger

Message from Chris Ayers.

Weather permitting the Churchyard Working Party will meet this coming Saturday, 3rd August from 10 a.m.- 12 noon. 
New volunteers always welcome. 

Maintaining The Cliffe, volunteers needed

Dear Blogger

Message from David Sheran, Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council

Would you like to help to maintain the Cliffe? Come and join us on Sunday 25th August.

A group called the Cliffe Crew is being formed to work alongside the Parks Ranger. The group will meet one day a month and will carry out

maintenance activities under the RangerÆs guidance.  The Clyffe is recognised as a valuable resource for all of us but also an internationally

rare lowland heath habitat.  The maintenance that is carried out will all be aimed at improving the habitat.  We are meeting for the first time

at 9am on /sunday 25th August.  On this occasion we will walk the Cliffe, discuss the kind of work we will do and agree the day each month

that the Cliffe Crewe will meet.

If you are interested, please get in touch with David Sheran ( or use the contact form on the Parish Council website.
