Sunday, 31 May 2020

PLANTS FOR SALE - addition

Dear Blogger

I should have said the bedding is sold in trays of 6 or 9 - all are £3

Also still available - a few Alicante tomatos2 Cucumbers and a dozen
a dozen Sweet Corn plants, to be planted in a block.  All veg plants @ £2.50 each

Please find attached the updated list of PLANTS FOR SALE and also 


As before, email your order and how you want to pay, money in the box or BACs fir bigger orders.

Single DAHLIAS -` Diablo`, brown foliage        and     `Fireworks`, green foliage


CINERARIA MARITIMA - the silver leaf plant

There might be a few more bedding plants when I have finished `filling the gaps`


COSMOS - `Sonata`

CALUNDULA, pot marigold - `Daisy`

PLANTS FOR SALE - including limited bedding

Dear Blogger

Please find attached the updated list of PLANTS FOR SALE and also 


As before, email your order and how you want to pay, money in the box or BACs fir bigger orders.

Single DAHLIAS -` Diablo`, brown foliage        and     `Fireworks`, green foliage


CINERARIA MARITIMA - the silver leaf plant

There might be a few more bedding plants when I have finished `filling the gaps`


COSMOS - `Sonata`

CALUNDULA, pot marigold - `Daisy`

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Spacex crew Dragon Launch TONIGHT

Dear Blogger

Message from Karen, Little Ness Astronomer.

Karen also has been having "a clear out and these Astronomy Now  magazines are free for collection from Little Ness if anyone would like them? If anyone is interested in the job lot please email me and we can arrange a time and place for collection"

This update from our friends at Go Stargazing:


The latest weather forecast for this evening's launch (30/05/20) at 20:22 BST offers a 50% chance of lift off.

Pre-flight preparations will continue as normal with the two astronauts being taken to the historic launch pad 39A and strapped in atop the Falcon 9 rocket around T-minus 2 hours. You can watch all of the build up online at

If launch does take place the capsule may be seen by observers in the South of England on its second pass at 22:15 BST — look low in a South Westerly direction. It's first pass after launch unfortunately cannot be seen as the skies will be too bright.


Centrury Club virtual draw

Dear Blogger

Message from Colin Case.

In case you can`t see the square with all the squiggles on it, I have also attached it as a JPG

Ground-breaking Century Club Draw for May!

On Monday 1st June I shall be making the Draw on-line via Zoom using a Random Number Generator in the Cloud somewhere! This gives me zero control of the outcome - the nearest I can get to getting other people to make the draw in public. The Zoom address is shown below, so join me if you like to see I don't cheat! As if I would. Just click on the link in the invitation. I will set the Cloud Thing to draw 5 numbers because it is possible for the same number to be drawn twice - like rolling a dice twice. Obviously only the first three different numbers attract a prize! :) :)


Colin Case is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Century Club Zoom Meeting

Time: Jun 1, 2020 11:00 AM London

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking this link – you might need to install the Zoom Cloud Meeting App on some devices.

Meeting ID: 411 174 6195

Password: 4qERTU


And here is a QR code that you can scan with your smartphone to join:-


A close up of text on a white surface

Description automatically generated




Colin Case    B.E.M.

Tel:    +44 1939 260 628

Mob:  +44 7860 904 006

VOIP: +44 1939 328 243 .uk