Saturday, 23 May 2020

Willow Gallery news update

Brownhill House Garden - the view with our new friends

Dear Blogger

Message from Willow Gallery, Oswestry.

If you are unable to read this message, please go to the Willow Gallery website.

Calling all Artists and Designer Makers - Keep us informed of your lockdown creations

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Calling All Artists & Craftmakers

While we're enduring lockdown, we trust creativity has been flowing in all your studios and workshops.
We're keen to launch a series of virtual open studios on our website, and wonder if you would like to send us a short video or photos of what you have being working on through these strange times, show us your studio space or a demonstration of a technique. Perhaps tell us how you have responded to the lockdown, how you found working in isolation and if you have any new works. The video could be a just a few minutes long, or be made up of just a few images. Made quickly and easily on your mobile is fine (it doesn't need to be super-professional).

Particularly as we'll be missing our normal Open Studios weekends in June, this would be a good opportunity for us all to stay connected as well as to promote yourself and share your work. You can email, or Instagram (/
willowgalleryoswestry) a video/photos to us. We look forward to seeing your work and your creations.