Saturday, 11 December 2021

Opportunity to raise funds for business or charity

Do you want to raise money for a small business or your favourite charity?

Way back in 2007, we were still raising money to hold a Medieval Festival in 2008, to comemorate the 700th anniversary of the granting of Ruyton`s Borough Charter.

We decided to have some very collectable bone china comemorative mugs made. Unfortunately, we were not able to buy a sensible number of decals to put a logo on the mugs, and so, I still have hundreds, yes, hundreds, of sheets of the decals.

We had the mugs made by the Derwen College, which gave work to the students and raised money for their charity as well as ours.  You just take the sheets of decals to their printworks, chose a design of mug from what they can get and wait to pay and collect. 

And, the good thing about the Derwen, is that you don`t have to order hundreds, or thousands of items at a time.

If you can make use of these decals, please let me know - I can`t bear to throw something away if someone can make use of it.