Message from Lydia Bardsley, Ruyton XI Towns Parish Clerk.
Ruyton XI Towns Annual Meetings.
Annual Parish Meeting - Mon 23rd May, 6.30pm
Annual Council Meeting - Tues 24th May, 6.30pm
Both meetings will be held in St John's School.
Both agendas are attached and can also be found on the Council's agenda and minutes page of the website. We are still exercising caution re. covid-19, so if you do wish to attend in person, please email the clerk so we can make sure that we can accommodate everyone safely. Please note, the clerk is now on leave from 7th - 22nd May inclusive, so if you have any urgent queries over the next two weeks please contact your councillors in the first instance.
Lydia Bardsley
Clerk to Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
Please note new address and phone number below:
11 High Fawr Close, Oswestry, SY11 1TE
01691 674742