Message from Alyson, Parish Council, and the Platinum Jubilee Community Picnic team.
It is with great pleasure and pride that The Platinum Jubilee Community Picnic Team can announce the monies raised so far are £951-40.
This will increase once the amount collected by Cafe 11 from the sale of Irena White's specially commissioned Ruyton Jubilee badges has been added. We hope you will continue to buy these bespoke mementos.
The Village Rainbows group made £130 on their tombola stall and the rest of the funds will be forwarded to West Midlands Air Ambulance.
Could we give special thanks to everyone involved in helping make this event possible and say we marvel at how many gifted, talented and immensely generous people there are in our community.
We hope everyone who contributed and came to support us yesterday had a lovely time and that we can continue making memories with and for you all.
Our Queen has enjoyed what the country and the commonwealth has done in honour of her rein and we can all feel proud to have taken part in this extra special celebration. Thank you