Message from Helena Barber, Harmer Hill.
BAG ZZ... more textile painting Decorate & personalise your own designs creating unique textile bags & a cushion... a perfect treat for you or a lovely original gift for someone special Enthusiastic, friendly tutor & small class size Peaceful setting with free car parking Tuesday October 11th 10.00 a.m. - 3.00 p.m
Fee £39.50 includes use of materials All textiles decorated by you may be taken home plus home made cake & light refreshments are provided
At the Garden Room, Newton Meadows, Harmer Hill (on B5476 Wem to Shrewsbury)
Contact Helena Barber at Feel Good 01939 220429 & 07415 240495 find us on facebook |
-- Yoland Brown Brownhill House B&B & Garden, Ruyton XI Towns nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR Tel: 01939 261 121 uk ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club - MAILING LIST for Ruyton XI Towns area Yo`s blog: