Monday, 26 December 2016

Report on Ruyton Road Safety Meeting in November

Message from Sue Hackett, Ruyton XI Towns Parish Clerk.

Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council e-newsletter
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Following The 'Road Safety & Traffic in our Village' 

Presentation by Ben Hamilton-Baillie on 19 NOVEMBER 2016
Report by Cllr. Mick Berry

A big thank you to everyone who attended the public event in the village hall on 19 November.  We estimated about 100 people came and listened to consultant Ben Hamilton-Baillie, asked questions, made comments and suggestions.  The Safer Roads Group, part of the Parish Council, have met again, looked at the responses, and considered the comments and suggestions.  We have discussed some of Ben's suggestions, and have compiled a list of wide ranging ideas and possible actions, including ideas that can be considered and cost little or no money, while we explore possible sources of funding for a more in-depth feasibility study.
We are a small group, just exploring possibilities on your behalf at this stage.  Any scheme proposed which may be part of a long term programme will be shared with you, and your views considered.  
In the meantime, we do think there are a few things that we all can do now that may help:
  • Respect our village and drive carefully and encourage others to do so
  • Use PACE car stickers on our cars saying we are driving at the speed limit in the village.  Let us know if you would like one? Read more at: Neighborhood Pace Car Bumper Sticker
  • Cut back overgrown vegetation along pavements and roadsides outside our homes
  • Park sensibly; do not obstruct the pavement so pedestrians have to walk in the road
The group will also be:
  • Looking at the road signs we have and asking for unnecessary ones to be removed (eg. the cow sign in Olden Lane – have you noticed it?)
  • Surveying the non-local HGV's, lorries and vans that use our village and contacting the companies to discuss driver travel routes
  • Contacting regular companies that drive through asking them to remind their drivers of our speed limits
  • Discussing with the NFU and local land owners whether tractors can have identification on them showing us which farm they are working for and contact numbers
  • Investigating the approximate costs of various more elaborate solutions including:
  • Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) that can recognise and record number-plates 
  • Grow outs (chicanes)
  • Actibumps (automatic unobtrusive invisible speed traps that drop 60mm if a vehicle is over the speed limit). For more information, please visit Edeva Actibump
  • Berlin cushions of different sizes
  • Speed cameras
Many thanks to those of you who have already passed on suggestions. If you have any further ideas, keep them coming please!  
Contact Cllr. Mick Berry at


The Parish Councillors and the Clerk would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The Clerk would also like to bring to your attention that the Parish Council meeting scheduled for 9th January 2017 has been rescheduled for 16th January 2017 at 7.30 p.m. at The Victoria Room. A detailed agenda will be circulated about a week before the meeting.

To contact a local parish councillor or the Clerk, Sue Hackett  please refer to their contact details which can be found on the PC's website; just click below:

Ruyton XI Towns are trialing the start of an e-newsletter campaign,  which will contain the latest local news and information relating to our Parish.

The Parish Council are very grateful in the excellent work Yoland Brown does keeping residents informed and would like to say a special thank you to her for her efforts.

If you would like to sign up to this official Parish council newsletter mailing list then you can do so by clicking the link below.
Sign up to Parish Council Mailing List

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B & Garden, Ruyton XI Towns nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  Tel:  01939 261 121 uk  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club -  MAILING LIST  for Ruyton XI Towns area  Yo`s blog: