Tuesday, 10 April 2018

LADS new production 4 one act plays

Message from Pam Johnson, Llanymynech Amateur Dramatic Society

Forthcoming production
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Our amazing youngest members Melissa Chapman and Grace Bowyer won not one, but TWO awards on Saturday night in the Montgomeryshire round of the
Drama Association of Wales' One Act festival.

Not only Best Junior Production but also a joint award for
Best Junior Performance.

Now you have a chance to see this terrific play, written, directed and performed by Melissa and Grace at the forthcoming LADS'  evenings of One Act drama.
PLEASE NOTE  - We will be staging 4 One Act plays  over the three nights 19th, 20th and 21st April - but only 3 plays on each night or else we would have to provide cocoa for a very late finish!

We will be starting the evening at 7pm, doors open at 6.30pm

Thursday night - 
Red Dress Manor, Is It Something I Said and The House on Peachey Street.

Friday night - Red Dress Manor, The Last Cigarette and The House on Peachey Street.

Saturday night - Red Dress Manor, Is It Something I Said and The Last Cigarette.
Tickets on sale at The Herbarium, Albion Hill, Oswestry
Rowanthorn, Chapel Court, Oswestry
The Village Shop, Llanymynech
online at Ticketsource https://www.ticketsource.co.uk/llanymynechamateurdramaticsociety 
reserve by ringing Marg Kynaston on 01691 830558


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Pam Johnson · Dingle Cottage · Trefonen · Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 9DQ · United Kingdom

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