Coronavirus weekly figures: 15-21 October In the week of 15-21 October, 1,438 new cases were reported in Shropshire – a 3% decrease on the previous week. However, the infection rate per 100,000 remains high, as does the number of COVID-19 patients in Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals. Sadly, there were also a further two deaths. The public health team is still dealing with high numbers of outbreaks – particularly in the younger population. Rachel Robinson, Shropshire Council's director of public health, is urging people to learn how to 'live alongside coronavirus' as safely as possible as we move forwards.  Don't take COVID-19 back to the classroom Checking for COVID-19 if you do not have symptoms is a key measure in preventing the spread of the virus. Please ensure all children over the age of 11 have taken a Lateral Flow Test before returning to school next week. We want all staff and pupils to be as safe as possible. If children do have symptoms, do not go to school and arrange a PCR test. Students should also wear a face covering when they are using school transport.  Keep an eye out for the new kits You may have already noticed that we are handing out new Lateral Flow Test kits in Shropshire. The main difference is that you no longer need to take a tonsil swab and you will get the result within 10 to 15 minutes. These changes mean testing is easier than ever. Keep an eye out for the new Flowflex kits which come in a dark blue, white and gold box. Please read the instructions carefully before you take a test, then be sure to register the result online. Find out where to collect them here.  Top up your immunity this winter The annual flu vaccination programme is underway in Shropshire; however, we are aware that some eligible people have had difficulty booking the jab. Due to early, high demand, some pharmacies and GPs have already used up their first batch. More supplies will be delivered in the coming weeks and months so everyone who is eligible will be able to get theirs. The COVID-19 booster programme will run alongside the flu vaccination, and many clinics across the county will be offering both doses at the same time where possible. People are asked not to contact their GP to arrange their booster and flu jabs. Your GP Practice or Primary Care Network will be in touch to invite you to book an appointment at a vaccination clinic. There's no denying that despite life moving forward, COVID-19 is still in our communities. Learning to live alongside Coronavirus means taking measures to help prevent the spread of the virus, and making them part of our every day routines. The little things we can all do, like wearing a face mask in crowded places, washing our hands regularly, and testing twice a week at home will make a big difference, save lives and take pressure off the NHS this winter.  The classic main three symptoms of COVID-19 are a new, continuous cough, a high temperature and a loss or change to your sense of taste or smell. However, those infected with the virus – especially children, do not always show the typical symptoms. Anyone with the following precautionary symptoms is recommended to get a PCR test but do not have to self-isolate when they are waiting on their results. Precautionary symptoms may include: - Headaches
- Aches and pains
- Feeling tired without any good reason
- Sore throat
- Runny nose
- Sneezing
- Stomach pain in children