Wednesday, 3 November 2021

Agenda & Planning applications - Ruyton Parish Council meeting 9 Nov 2021

Dear Blogger

Message from Lydia Bardsley, Ruyton XI Towns Parish Clerk.

Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council,    

                                            next meeting 9th Nov 2021 at 6.30pm, Ruyton XI Towns Village Hall.

 The agenda is attached and can also be found on the Council's agenda and minutes page of the website. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 situation, parishioners are encouraged to raise matters in writing to the clerk if they do not need to attend in person. Matters raised will be discussed and responses sent after the meeting.

If you do feel you need to attend in person, please email the clerk or telephone (01691 674742- office hours only please) asap so we can make sure that we can accommodate everyone safely.

Amongst other matters, the Council will be considering a new Model Code of Conduct for Councillors, reports from the Safer Roads Group on the CIL road safety project, Doctors Meadow improvements, the Cliffe (incl. possible Local Nature Reserve status), Church clock maintenance, a re-submitted planning application (Mill Lane) and first draft budget proposals for 2022-23 (these won't be finalised until Jan 2022).