Saturday, 30 July 2022

Parish Council newsletter

Another message from Lydia Bardsley, Ruyton XI Towns Parish Clerk.


There is still one vacant seat on the Parish Council and the deadline for applications has now been extended until noon on Friday 26th Aug 2022.

View co-option advert.

View application form. (This contains all the eligibility criteria for being a councillor).

Local Councils are the first tier of local government and they are closely connected to and passionate about the communities they serve. Joining the Council is a great way to address local concerns, and make positive changes in the lives of those who live and work in the parish.

If you are interested in finding out more about what being a parish councillor involves, please feel free to phone (01691 674742) or email the Clerk, or email the Chairman David Spicer or phone (07506 868466). You can also or contact any of your Councillors if you prefer.

Please send all applications to the clerk by noon on Fri 26th Aug 2022. These will be considered by the Council at its next meeting on Tues 6th Sept 2022.


Recent Articles:
July Council meeting postponed
Update on Casual Vacancies on Parish Council
Casual vacancies on the Parish Council
576 bus service during Baschurch-Walford road closure
Casual vacancy on Parish Council
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