Thursday, 2 March 2023

Agenda for Parish Council meeting 7th March

Message from Lydia Bardsley, Ruyton XI Towns Parish Clerk

Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council Meeting.

 TUESDAY 7th MARCH, 6.30pm

to be held in VICTORIA ROOM.

The agenda is attached and can also be found on the Council's agenda and minutes page of the website, and the draft Feb minutes are linked within the agenda. Amongst other items, we will be considering applications for the vacant seat on the Council, and priorities for the local policing charter. We will also be receiving updates on the CIL Road safety Project, Council asset inspections, and on the War memorial plaque project. We will also be considering various Cliffe access issues, such as tractors and mountain bikes. There are also two planning applications up for consideration, please follow the links in the agenda for the full planning details. 

Protect your valuables from thieves: As as reminder, the Parish Council does still have some free Smartwater kits left in stock, these protect your valuables from would-be thieves. If you moved to the village in the last 2 years and did not get a kit in the first distribution wave, please contact the Council on 01691 674742 or to request a free SmartWater kit. If you did get a kit previously but have not used it yet, we would urge you to make use of it to mark up your valuables and put the stickers on your windows. Each kit has a completely unique mix of Smartwater fluid which is clear but glows under UV light - this allows police to return stolen items to their rightful owners. Once valuables are marked up, the Smartwater should fluoresce for a number of years, however the kits we purchased back in 2020 do have a recommended "use by date", so the sooner they are used the better. The stickers are an important part of the kit as they act as a powerful deterrant for thieves, so make sure you place these somewhere visible and prominent.


Kind regards,

Mrs Lydia Bardsley
Clerk to Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council


11 High Fawr Close, Oswestry, SY11 1TE
01691 674742