Wednesday, 1 March 2023

Table top sale at Ruyton XI Towns village hall Sunday 5th March

In case there is anyone else out there who is confused


Messages from Colin Case, Village Hall Committee

By popular request we are holding a Table Top Sale in the Village Hall on Sunday 5th March opening at 2:00pm

We now have enough tables booked to fill the hall, so I can't accept any more bookings for tables.

The next job is to entice potential buyers.

Entrance is free. (That's a good start!)

There is a vast range of goods on sale - from computer games, to baby clothes, to Tropic Skincare Products, to shoes, to various gadgets, camping chairs and many more. Some new, some pre-loved.

So come along and see what there is - and perhaps buy some stuff. Have a good mooch - meet other villagers, either stall-holders or potential buyers.

Sellers who have booked can start setting up from 1:00pm.

The doors open to potential buyers at 2:00pm.


More stuff coming to the Village Hall Table Top Sale on Sunday. Some sunglasses ready for when Summer finally arrives!

Plus a variety of cases for glasses and even some reading glasses!

And great news - there will be tea and coffee and biscuits for sale as well. Whatever we can do to add to Village Hall finances! ??




Colin Case    B.E.M.

Tel:    +44 1939 260 628

Mob:  +44 7860 904 006

VOIP: +44 1939 328 243 .uk