Thursday, 2 March 2023

Can you help find the Mystery Egg Seller

Message from Fi English, Baschurch.

I wondered if you could help me track someone down who says she's in Ruyton?   Over the weekend, I saw on the Baschurch facebook page  eggs being advertised by Christine Simmonds. 
She was advertising a dozen eggs for  £4  as she had a surplus.   I contacted her through messenger, paid £4 via paypal, gave her my address, she confirmed receipt of 
payment & told me delivery time & date.  Well, I'm still waiting for  my eggs! She has since closed down her messenger chat with me and I can't 
find original post on facebook either. So I'm unable to contact her.    What I want to know is she a genuine person from Ruyton, selling surplus eggs or someone taking money 
from people under false pretences?    I would be grateful if you put me in touch with her should you know of her. Maybe  send a round  robin  or  
make people aware of this going on?  It could be a genuine mishap but I would have hoped she would have 
been in touch by now.