Thursday, 9 March 2023

News from Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council


There is a second vacant seat on Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council following the resignation of Cllr Bob Edwards on 7th March. This means that local electors have until 27th March to request a by-election to fill this seat. The notice below explains how a request for a by-election can be made to Shropshire Council.

View Casual Vacancy notice

If no request for a by-election is made, then the Parish Council will be able to co-opt to fill the seat.

Bob has been a parish councillor for many years, during which time he has been a very active member of the Safer Roads Group, both as a member of the public and a councillor. Whilst we are sad to lose Bob as a Councillor, we are very happy that he has agreed to stay on the Safer Roads Group until the CIL road safety improvements project is finalised.

Recent Articles:
B4397 resurfacing – postponed until summer holidays
FREE life-saving CPR and defibrillator training
Former Councillor John Guppy
Rural Cost of Living Survey (ends 31st March 2023)
Shropshire Electoral Division Review
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