Dear Blogger,
Message from Lydia Bardsley, Parish Clerk
Ruyton XI Towns Annual Council Meeting.
TUESDAY 2nd MAY, 6.30pm
to be held in VICTORIA ROOM.
The next meeting is the Annuall Council Meeting. The agenda is attached and can also be found on the Council's agenda and minutes page of the website, and the draft April minutes are linked within the agenda. Amongst other items, we will be electing the Chairman and Vicechairman, approving the Annual Return and Internal audit Report for 2022-23, considering applications for the final vacant seat on the Council, and considering insurance estimates for 2023-24. There is also a request for funding from the Village Hall Committee, a planning application (click the weblinks in agenda for full details), and arrangements for the Annual Parish Meeting (also known as the Meeting of electors), which is likely to be held sometime in the w/c 22nd May.
Kind regards,
Mrs Lydia Bardsley
Clerk to Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
11 High Fawr Close, Oswestry, SY11 1TE
01691 674742