Dear Blogger,
Message from Gill Jones, Weston Lullingfields
Weston Lullingfields Village Hall -
Annual General Meeting
Weston Lullingfields Village Hall Management Group
invites you The Annual General Meeting 2023
This will be held on 17th May 2023 at 19.00hrs (7pm) in the Village Hall.
The Village Hall is a key part of our community and is managed by a group from the Village of committee members who are elected at the AGM annually.
If you or if you know someone who would like to know about our work over the past year or would like to serve on the committee this year please let us know.
By coming to support your Village Hall you are not offering to stand, but are able to vote for those who you would like to stand.
The Bar will be open after the meeting.
If you would like to know more, please contact any of the present committee members who you will find on the web site: