Saturday 4 November 2023

RUYTON DAIRY 1919 - 1993 Read all about it

RUYTON DIARY 1919 - 1993

There will be many members of the Ruyton XI Towns and District Mailing List who know nothing about the dairy in School Road which was such an important part of the village for over 70 years, while there will be others who remember those times well.

I wrote an article about the dairy for my history website,

Then, some months ago I received an email from Peter Roper who has collected a vast amount of information on Express Dairy and Ruyton`s part in the history.

I wrote back with a little more information which he might not have heard about.

It is worth mentioning, at the Vicar`s meeting about helping staff to get jobs when the dairy closed in 1993, we were all very surprised how few locals were employed, as so much of the factory had been mechanised.

All these years later, nothing has been done about the dairy site to the west of School Road - could this be because of something nasty on the site??

If anyone has stories or pictures of Ruyton Dairy which are not already included on Peter would love to hear from you

Many thanks to Peter for all the hard work which must have gone into recording so much information about Express Dairies in Ruyton XI Towns.

It is interesting that the stone building on School road, which was the laboratory, in a previous life was the shop which was the beginning of Morris Oils - see the article on about that business which started in Ruyton.