Thursday, 27 February 2014

Fwd: Re: Planning application

Message from Sarah Bent, Ruyton.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Planning application
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 11:52:46 +0000
From: Sarah Bant <>
To: Yoland Brown <>

Hi Yoland,

I would like to confirm Anita's concerns. For those on your mailing list that are interested, the background to these letters is given in the email from Berry's on the planning website:

The proposal is for 14 'social rent' for those on the council register and 6 'intermediate market' rentals - definitions are given here:

Best wishes,
Sarah Bent

On 27 Feb 2014, at 08:52, Yoland Brown <> wrote:

Message from Anita Roberts.

Today we have received through our letter box, a letter from Saxonby Homes advising that they are currently working in partnership with a local housing association to establish the current demand for affordable housing in Baschurch and asking people to contact them if they are aware of a number of scenarios i.e a son or daughter who can't afford to live in the area, a family member who has moved away due to lack of affordable housing etc.    I am aware that this is the company that has applied for planning permission on the pony paddock at Baschurch and am concerned that this is an underhand way  of drumming up support for their scheme. Are you able to highlight the connection through your database so that others are aware.    Many thanks and kind regards    Anita Roberts  Sent from my iPad

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Planning application

Message from Anita Roberts.

Today we have received through our letter box, a letter from Saxonby Homes advising that they are currently working in partnership with a local housing association to establish the current demand for affordable housing in Baschurch and asking people to contact them if they are aware of a number of scenarios i.e a son or daughter who can't afford to live in the area, a family member who has moved away due to lack of affordable housing etc.    I am aware that this is the company that has applied for planning permission on the pony paddock at Baschurch and am concerned that this is an underhand way  of drumming up support for their scheme. Are you able to highlight the connection through your database so that others are aware.    Many thanks and kind regards    Anita Roberts  Sent from my iPad

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Ruyton Century Club

Message from Colin Case.

Century Club Winners for January 2014 are:-

£25    78    Mr S Kynaston
£10    77    Eunice Dicken
£ 5     81    Christine Saunders

I shall shortly be delivering the winnings!

The Draw was made at the Extend Exercise Class on Thursday 30th January by Dot Williams (who has run the Club for many years)

The next Draw will be tomorrow, Friday 28th March at the Broadplace.

Remember, "You have to be in it to win it" - only a few numbers left to buy at £12 for the year.

Colin Case
Tel: +44 1939 260628
Mobile: +44 7860 904006
Fax: +44 872 115 8730

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Can you help

Message from Helen Porter, Weston Lullingfields.

Can anyone recommend a local heating engineer who could service our OIL FIRED central heating boiler.
Helen in Weston Lullingfields

Thanks a million

Best wishes
Mobile 07809 666309

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Coming events in the Oswestry area

So much going on so here is an update.



27th 2nd Mar Youth Musical Festival Oswestry Town Council 01691 680222



1st               St David’s Day at Chirk castle, Welsh Menu in restaurant, Male Voice Choir in chapel to celebrate the start of the season


2nd              King Edwards Living History Day  10am - 4pm 
Tel: 01691 662 500

2nd               Llangollen 10 mile Sponsored Walk in aid of Hope House -
free to enter.

7th                An Evening of Song and Pancakes with Orthopaedic Male
                        voice Choir, 7.30pm Llandrinio Village Hall  Tickets £6 from
                        Mile End TIC - Tel 01691 662 488 Proceeds to Maesbury
                        Canal Festival

8th                Spring concert with Rhos Orphus Male Voice Choir at
                        Whittington Parish Church.  Tickets £10  Tel 01691 662 236 
                        or 01691 672 838

9th                Informal Craft Session at Whittington Castle, drop in any    
                        time between 11am and 3.30pm, share ideas. 
                        Tel: 01691 662 500

10th -16th    Circus Funtasia Oswestry Showground Tel 07860

14th – 23rd Oswestry Litfest

22nd           Toy and Train Fair on Oswestry Showground Tel 07699 694579           

22nd            Fron Choir, St Chads Church, 01743 365478

23rd   informal Craft Session at Whittington Castle drop in anytime between 11am – 3.30pm, share ideas Tel 01691 662500

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Fantastic `Up-cycling` Art Exhibition

Message from Shrewsbury Market Hall.

This exhibition sounds amazing - what a pity it is only open for such a short time.

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Accommodation wanted for European students

Message forwarded by Karen Pringle at Oswestry Heritage Centre.

We regularly send participants to Oswestry to work, but we are in desperate need of further host families/accommodation. We pay £65 p/w for self-catered and £115 p/w for catered.

See attached leaflet for full details

Many thanks,

Rachel Jenkinson

Work Placement Officer

ECTARC-European Centre for Training and Regional Co-operation

Parade Street, Llangollen, LL20 8RB  Tel: 01978 862204



--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Some 1/2 allotments available in Baschurch

Message from Sarah Richards.

Baschurch Allotment Association have a few half plots (125sq m) available for rent from 1st March 2014.  It only costs £10 to join the association and the rent (including water) is £40 a year for a half plot.  We accept members from Baschurch Parish and all the adjoining parishes.  If you are interested in taking on a plot or would like some more information, please contact Sarah Richards.


Sarah Richards




Tel: 01939 261396 or 07729 943246


--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Can you help?

Appeal from Anna for a Netball Coach from Boreatton Park.

We are looking to form a PGL staff netball team but my coaching skills are very basic. If you are a coach or know anyone that is or is just passionate about netball and are willing to volunteer your services for a coaching session weekly or fortnightly then we would be very grateful! We lost every game at a tournament last year and don’t want to have a repeat of that! please can you contact Anna at

Thank you!

Anna Leatherbarrow

HR Supervisor | PGL Boreatton Park

( tel: 01939 260551

* PGL Travel Ltd, Boreatton Park, Baschurch, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 2EZ


--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Monday, 24 February 2014

Water Vole Survey

Message from Luke Neal
- worth it for the canoeing lesson alone!

Dear All,

If you are interested in helping us carry out water vole surveys by canoe – Please get in touch.

Basic canoe training will be provided as will the necessary survey training.

 Training Date:

Sunday 16th March morning.


Survey dates:

Wed April 2nd

Sat May 10th

Fri May 16th


Kind regards,


Luke Neal, Community Officer, Meres and Mosses Landscape Partnership Scheme

c/o Shropshire Wildlife Trust, 193 Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6AH

Tel 01743 284275,
--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Patient Community Workshops

Message from Colin Case.

These are public events if anyone wants to go:-

Additional dates announced for patient and community workshops
Dear Colleague
The NHS Future Fit programme is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to transform health services for patients and communities in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and mid Wales.
It has two starting points. Firstly, the needs and expectations of patients, carers and other experts by experience – for example, the feedback received through the Call To Action, from complaints & compliments, from patient surveys, and through other patient engagement and leadership programmes. Secondly, the knowledge and expertise of doctors, nurses and other health professionals – drawing on evidence of “what works” locally, nationally and internationally.
One of the big messages we have heard from patients is that they want any plans for the future of health services to be clinically led.  So, we have asked local GPs, hospital doctors, community nurses, therapists, paramedics and more to look in detail at: What have our patients told us about the types of health service they need? and, what does the evidence tell us and how do we measure up locally?
The first phase of that work is under way right now and we’re looking for people from Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and mid Wales who are keen to test the ideas that our clinicians are starting to develop. We hope that you will also want to help to take the debate out more widely to your communities, networks, neighbours and workplaces. Everyone should have the opportunity to be part of this debate and this can only happen with your help.
A vital part of NHS Future Fit is to bring together patient perspectives from the whole catchment served by local acute and community hospitals.  So, the next step will see three patient and community leadership events taking place in Shrewsbury to bring together people from mid Wales, north Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin, south Shropshire and central Shropshire:
·         Thursday 27 February, 2pm to 4.30pm (tea and coffee will be provided)
Venue: Shropshire Education and Conference Centre
Mytton Oak Road
·         Tuesday 4 March, 2pm to 4.30pm (tea and coffee will be provided)
·         Tuesday 4 March, 6.30pm to 9pm (a buffet supper will be provided)
Venue: Shrewsbury Town Football Club, Arthur Rowley Room
Greenhous Meadow
Oteley Road
Phone 01743 289177
The programme is the same for each event so you only need to attend one.
At these events we will work together to:
·         Hear from local clinicians about work so far
·         Test and challenge the early ideas from local clinicians – How does this feel for a patient? Do I know where to go? Do I feel safe?
·         Agree how we will take this discussion more widely to patients and communities across Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin and mid Wales.
So, these events aim to bring patient and community voices and the next step will be to take the debate out to towns, villages and communities right across the area.
We’ll also be looking for volunteers to be interviewed – whether on camera or on paper – to help us bring the debate to more people. There will be more information about this nearer the time.
How to book
If you would like to attend the workshop please email Haroon Jabar in the NHS Future Fit team ( stating which date and time you would prefer.
Thank you in advance for bringing your insight and experience.

Colin Case
Tel: +44 1939 260628
Mobile: +44 7860 904006
Fax: +44 872 115 8730

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

West Felton Bags to School

Message forwarded by Colleen Hughes.


is a textile recycling fundraising scheme – please fill as many bags as you can with items for re-use eg clothing, soft toys, shoes belts & handbags & bring to the rear of school by 9am (by the bike stands) on

Monday 10 March

[& not before]

Items can be collected day before by calling

Gill Sturgess on 611811

The more we collect the more we raise towards the “Friends” funds so ask your friends/family to have a sort out too!

For further details see

Organised by The “Friends” of West Felton S


--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Re: Salopian amateur boxing club dinner show

Sorry, I forgot to add the date, 28th February, but it is on the attachment.

On 23/02/2014 09:59, Yoland Brown wrote:
Message from Rob O`Keef, telephone him on 01939 768 074 for tickets.

The Salopian Amateur Boxing Club
Salopian ABC Midlands Select BOXING CLUB DINNER SHOW
at  Shrewsbury

Dinner tickets £24.95, Standing tickets £12.95

Contact Rob O`Keefe for more information.

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

2014 Wildlife Survey

Message from Luke Neal.

Your Countryside needs you,  Get Involved!

Interested in the landscape around you?

2014 Survey Launch Event

Boathouse restaurant, Ellesmere

Saturday 15th March



You could help us to map habitats and key species in the field or at a desk, no previous experience necessary all training will be provided.

Surveys include Phase 1 habitat mapping, Water Vole habitat mapping and Small Pearl Bordered fritillary butterfly surveys.

Meet like minded people, explore the region and discover a new way of looking at the landscape.


If you volunteered last year please come along and see what was mapped and how we plan to use the data for the benefit of the Meres and Mosses region.

Hope to see you there! Please pass on to anyone you think may be interested,

 Luke Neal, Community Officer, Meres and Mosses Landscape Partnership Scheme

c/o Shropshire Wildlife Trust, 193 Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 6AH

Tel 01743 284275,
--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Can you help - An American Flag

Message from Joanne at Ruyton Post Office.

Can anyone help I need to borrow a USA flag for a couple of days is there anyone out there with one.

Thank you
--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Salopian amateur boxing club dinner show

Message from Rob O`Keef, telephone him on 01939 768 074 for tickets.

The Salopian Amateur Boxing Club
Salopian ABC Midlands Select BOXING CLUB DINNER SHOW
at  Shrewsbury

Dinner tickets £24.95, Standing tickets £12.95

Contact Rob O`Keefe for more information.

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Pensioners` lunches at The Talbot

Message from Colin.

Talbot Inn Ruyton XI Towns
01939 262882
Starting Wednesday 26th February
Then EVERY Wednesday
12:00 - 2:00
£8.50 for two courses
Starter & Main or Main & Pudding
Open to all local residents of Pensionable Age
Tell all your friends

The Talbot has successfully hosted our Monthly Lunch Club for many years.
Inspired by the popularity and success of these Lunches, Leanne has decided to offer a similar service on a weekly basis.
The Monthly Club continues to meet on the Third Monday of each Month.
The next one is 17th March at 12:00 - new members welcome.
Give me a call on 260628 if you want to join.

Colin Case
Tel: +44 1939 260628
Mobile: +44 7860 904006
Fax: +44 872 115 8730

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Oswestry Library does it again!

Message forwarded by Pam Johnson.

From: Debbie Marais []
Sent: 22 February 2014 11:49
To: Oswestry library
Subject: Oswestry Borders U3A (University of the Third Age) - programme of events

 Please find attached a programme of events for the Oswestry Borders U3A which includes a variety of speakers on a range of interesting and stimulating topics.

 Debbie Marais

Branch Manager

Oswestry Library

Arthur Street


SY11 1RP

01691 677388

For events and activities in libraries across Shropshire visit Shropshire Libraries


--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Chinese for beginners - at Oswestry Library

Message forwarded by Pam Johnson.

Is there anything Oswestry Library will try to bring the people in - congratulations to them!

Ms Lucy Ding will be running Mandarin Chinese classes for adults and children on Saturday mornings at Oswestry Library beginning on 1st March 2014.   Please book with Lucy  07528490958 or

Children 4years+   09.50am-10.40am

Adults  10.50am – 11.50am

 Classes cost £3.98 per person

 Mandarin Chinese Storytimes  - starting 29 April           Book with Oswestry Library staff

There will also be storytimes for children aged 2 ½ -4 years on Tuesdays in term time  1.30-2pm

Fee £2.00 per child. 



Debbie Marais

Branch Manager

Oswestry Library

Arthur Street


SY11 1RP

01691 677388

For events and activities in libraries across Shropshire visit Shropshire Libraries



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--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

LADS latest production

Message from Margaret Kynaston, LADS.

This one sounds a real hoot!

UP N`UNDER by John Godber
Thursday, Friday & Saturday 27th, 28th & 29th March at 7.45
Llanymynech Village Hall
Tickets £6 from Llanymynech village hall, the Herbarium, Oswestry and Mile End Tourist Information Centre.

Please stick the attached poster on a wall, fence, door, gate or even a noticeboard near you.

 Yoland Brown Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club Tel: 01939 261 121 Fax: 01939 260626

Nesscliffe Young Farmers 70th birthday

Message from Margaret Lycett.

This year Nesscliffe Young Farmers’ Club is celebrating its 70th Anniversary with an event to be held on 3rd May at Wood Farm, near Adcote.

Margaret Lycett, who is handling ticket sales for the event, is keen to contact anyone who was ever a member of the club from its inception in 1944, who would like to join in the celebration, but who has not already been contacted.

It will take the form of a dinner dance with a champagne reception, entertainment and memorabilia displays.  It is hoped to seat 500 people and, until the end of this month, tickets priced at £30 each, will be offered to past members/club associates and their partners, after which guests will be able to buy tickets.

If you are a past member of Nesscliffe Young Farmers’ Club or you know someone who was, and have not yet been contacted, please get in touch with Margaret.



Telephone (home):            01939 261177

Mobile:                              07729 372700


--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Friday, 21 February 2014

Home Front in WWI

We had a World War II Home Front Exhibition in Ruyton (2005) and now Colleen Hughes is putting together a World War I Home Front Exhibition in West Felton.

The Exhibition will also include a special commemorative church service and supper in June.

This is not about war but about those who were left behind, what was it like in West Felton and surrounding area.  For instance, who lived in your house, what do you know about them.  What businesses were operating?  How much was a pound of butter or a pint of beer?   What were people wearing etc.  Any information you know about the years of 1914 - 1918.

Tony Harrison of West Felton is a professional family history researcher and is working on the names on the West Felton War Memorial.  He points out that hardly anyone owned  cameras at that time but here in Ruyton we had a professional photographer - does anyone know of family pictures taken by Frances James Cocks who lived at Riversdale opposite the garage and next to our village shop.

Colleen is going through the West Felton Monumental Inscriptions for two local churches looking for clues like -
if John Smith died in 1920 at Manor Farm and his wife died in 1927, then the chances are they were both living there for the duration.

If you would like to be involved in this research or have anything which would add to Colleen`s research, do please contact her:-        or        01691 610 300

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Quiz of Celebrations at Little Ness Village Hall

Message from Joanna Gears, Little Ness.

On 20/02/2014 15:19, JOANNA GEARS wrote:
A Quiz of Celebrations
Little Ness Village Hall
Saturday March 15th 2014 - Start Time 7.30pm
Tickets:- Adults £7.5o (advance) - £8.00 (on the door)
Children £4

Supper included - bring your own drinks

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Attfield Theatre, Oswestry

Message from Margaret Kynaston at LADS.

"Six Characters in Search of an Author" by Luigi Pirandello
Attfield Theatre, Oswestry 7.45pm Monday to Saturday inclusive
February 24th to March 1st

There is a production of Six characters in search of an author by Luigi Pirandello at the Attfield Theatre next week. It’s a fascinating and very funny play, and stars Llanymynech’s own Rob Davies in a leading role. If you want to book tickets, just phone the Guildhall on 01691 680222 during the day, Mon to Friday, and they’ll hold them for you. (The tickets that is!) The play starts at 7.45, Monday to Saturday inclusive, Feb 24 to March 1.

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626

Charity Bike Ride from Shrewsbury Market

Shrewsbury Market Hall - a small town on two levels.

Have you been to Shrewsbury Market Hall recently?  There is always something going on there, especially in the school holidays















A Shrewsbury business is calling for people to get on yer bike for charity.


Urban Bikes, based in Shrewsbury Market Hall, has organised a charity cycle ride, in conjunction with Cycle Shrewsbury, which takes place this Saturday [FEB 22] from 10am.


The route is a 10-mile cycle, suitable for families and absolute beginners, led by trained ride leaders.


The cost is £3 per rider, or £5 for families, with proceeds going to Omega Chatterbox telephone befriending service. The charity provides access to opportunities, information and a range of other non-clinical support, working with family care-givers, people nearing the end of life, the bereaved, socially isolated individuals, the frail and the elderly.


Cyclists will meet outside the Market Hall on Saturday morning, near to the Bellstone entrance.


To take part in the cycle ride call 0845 259 3163 to book, or simply turn up on the day.


To find out more about Omega visit


To find out more about Urban Bikes, including dates for future events and free basic bike maintenance classes, see





About the Market Hall:

The Market Hall is a two-tier, indoor market hall situated in the heart of Shrewsbury Town Centre.


It is jointly run by managing agent Jones Lang LaSalle, which is responsible for the permanent stalls located around the perimeter of the market floor and gallery, and Shrewsbury Town Council which manages the canopied stalls in the centre.


The Market Hall is situated above a range of well known high street and independent retailers. Busy trading streets, Shoplatch and Claremont Street, run either side of the building.


It opened in 1965 and is today home to many traders offering a selection of fresh fruit and vegetables, meat and poultry, fresh fish, delicatessen, a selection of eateries, books, china, antiques, collectables and contemporary arts and crafts and much more.
And three exciting places to eat. Y.



--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626