13/04881/FUL - Dog Kennels at Plat Mill Farm; Baschurch
The applicants have removed the kennels section of the application following discussions with the agent and in light of the comments and concerns raised. The scheme is now being considered by Shropshire Council only for the conversion of the existing outbuilding to a residential annexe and dog grooming unit. Given the support received for these aspects of the scheme the application has been recommended for approval by Shropshire Council and will not be heard by the Planning Committee. The Parish Council has made no comment regarding this amended application.
14/00395/FUL - Barncroft Nurseries, Olden Lane Ruyton XI Towns. Change of use for siting of a static caravan for holiday let.
The Parish Council neither objected or supported the planning application.
14/00308/FUL - The Willows, Brownhill Ruyton XI Towns. Erection of 2 storey rear extension and formation of decked area.
The Parish Council neither objected or supported the planning application.
14/00216/OUT Development Land North Of Baschurch. Outline application for residential development (20 affordable dwellings); including formation of a new vehicular access and associated highway improvements. Applicant: Saxonby Homes.
The Parish Council decided to neither object or support the planning application which was outside its parish boundary.
Full details will be made available in the confirmed minutes issued in March 2014; mean while your local parish councillors can be contacted if you require any further information. The Parish Council next meets at 7.30 pm on the 10th March 2014 at The Victoria Rooms; in Ruyton XI Towns.
Best Regards
Sue Hackett
Ruyton XI Towns Clerk & RFO
Tel 01743 719012
Tel 01743 719012
-- Yoland Brown Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club www.eleventowns.co.uk www.eleventowns.com www.ShACC-uk.org Tel: 01939 261 121 Fax: 01939 260626