We've got lots of unwanted pallets in Shrewsbury Market Hall. Some are blue. Does that matter? Can you collect?
Kate Gittins
Facilities Manager
The Market Hall
Claremont Street
Shrewsbury SY1 1HQ
Tel: 01743 351067
Email: kate.gittins@shropshire.gov.uk
Find out more about The Market Hall, Shrewsbury – watch our latest fabulous video
From: Yoland Brown [mailto:brownhill@eleventowns.org.uk]
Sent: 13 September 2018 12:16
To: yoland@eleventowns.co.uk; Y Anita Weeks <Anita.Weeks@btinternet.com>; Y Anne Smith <Sandy@howlet.myzen.co.uk>; Y Amy & Adrian <amelia.heath@btopenworld.com>; Y Ann Johnson <GrannieAnnie1@btinternet.com>; Y Barbara Gallimore <beejg@hotmail.co.uk>; Y Chris Lovell <lovell7@outlook.com>; Dave Saunders <ChristineSaunders@f2s.com>; Y Claire Trickett <Sweet-Moment@hotmail.co.uk>; Y Colin Gittoes <colin.gittoes@bt.com>; Y Dawn Whotton <whotton.mailbox@btinternet.com>; Dorothy Needham <Dorothy@rxit.org.uk>; Y Ed Garbett <EdwardGarbett@btinternet.com>; Y Edward & Kirsten Nicholas <EdwardNicholas@freeuk.com>; Y Elaine & Simon McKay <elaine.mckay@talktalk.net>; Y Gary & Karen Wann <Gary.Wann714@me.com>; Y Gill & Brian Grainger <Taka.Grainger@btinternet.com>; Y Gillian Sturgess, Chimes Cakes <gilliansturgess@hotmail.com>; Y Packwood Headmaster <hm@packwood-haugh.co.uk>; Y Ian & Pat Guest <IanPatGuest@btinternet.com>; Y Janet Jones <JanetJones100@aol.com>; Y Julie Gregory <j.712gregory@btinternet.com>; Y Steve & Jayne Minshall <steveminsh@sky.com>; Y Janet Wakefield <janetwakefield@btinternet.com>; Claire Kenning, Startlewood L. <ClaireKenning1968@gmail.com>; Y Jenny Baker <JeniferMBaker@aol.com>; Y Jenny Jones <jenajones@btinternet.com>; Val McKay Surgery <ValerieMcKay@nhs.net>; Y Sarah Hart, Market PR <s.hartmedia@btinternet.com>; Y John & Nicky Guest <johnandnickyguest@tiscali.co.uk>; Y John & Linda John Hamlett <johnhamlett11@btinternet.com>; Y John & Corinne Russell <jarussellbds@me.com>; Kate Gittins <Kate.Gittins@shropshire.gov.uk>; Y Keith & Heather Griffiths <Keith_and_Heather@hotmail.com>; Y Kelly, Baschurch Pharmacy <kellyewels@hotmail.com>; Y Kerry & Andrew Bennett <Bennett_Kerry1@sky.com>; Irena <bersedrelincourt@aol.com>; Y Maria & Malcolm Leel <mariaj.leel@googlemail.com>; Chris Pearce, the Cliffe <CrisontheCliffe@outlook.com>; Y Mike & Rachel Lugg <mike.lugg@btopenworld.com>; Y Jane L eadbeater <jane.leadbeater@synetrix.co.uk>; Y Gail Oswestry Site <Oswestry.site@thefriendlyclub.co.uk>; oswestrytourism <oswestrytourism@shropshire.gov.uk>; Y Lisa Moore <LisaMiddleton71@hotmail.com>; Y Graham & Bev Leeke <Graham.Leeke@sky.com>; Y Kate Heathcote <KateHeathcote@hotmail.co.uk>; Ros Slowley <slowleyr@yahoo.co.uk>; Y Stewart& Marjorie Ballantyne <s.a.l.ballantyne@btinternet.com>; admin ruyton <admin@ruyton.shropshire.sch.uk>; Susie Hancock <jon-susie.hancock@virgin.net>; Y Sylvia Bellis <showbel@btinternet.com>; Y Bernard & Carol Leeden <BernardLeeden@btinternet.com>; Y Ted Taylor <Triker@talktalk.net>; Y Tim & Jacky Hammett <THammett321@btinternet.com>; Y Trevor Allison, PC <eta-06@tiscali.co.uk>; Y Valerie Riches <valdelspain@hotmail.com>; Y Dave & Wendy Lowdon <WendyLodwick@hotmail.co.uk>; Y Helen Whittakerl <hwhitaker11@hotmail.com>; Colin Case <colin@rxit.org.uk>; Natalie Shaw Packwood bursar <NR@Packwood.Salop.sch.uk>; Lucy Moreau, <"lucymor eau1"@icloud.com>; Y Lynn & Peter Evans <Lynn.Pete@hotmail.co.uk>; Y Baschurch Twinning <Audrey@shalldesign.com>; Y Peter Brodie Fraser <thebrodiefrasers@btinternet.com>; Richard & Anne Mayall <RichardMayall@tiscali.co.uk>; Y Maggie Lokier <mlokier@yahoo.co.uk>; Y Hazel Yates <hazel.p.yates@btinternet.com>; Y Oswestry Heritage Centre <escape@oswestry-welshborders.org.uk>; Mrs Threlfall <J.G.Threlfall@btinternet.com>; Y Corbet School <Kear.J@Corbet.shropshire.sch.uk>; Y Nigel Leadbeater <Nigel.Jane@which.net>; Y Steph Pre school <haflen4@btinternet.com>; Y Tony & Ros Gittins <TonyandRos@btinternet.com>; Y Yo`s Blog <crchighbank.brownhill@blogger.com>; Y Cath Worrall <cathworrall@googlemail.com>; Y Katie Edwards, Walford <k.edwards@wnsc.ac.uk>; Y Walford Marie Wright <m.s.wright@wnsc.ac.uk>; Y Sue & Steve Boulding <Sue.Boulding@phonecoop.coop>; Nicky Hey Weslon Lullingfields <NHey0@toucansurf.com>; Y Tracey Dean <TraceyDean@ymail.com>; Y Lesley Simcox, Courses <Lesley.Simcox@hotmail.com>; A Brian Marshall <b.w.marshall@ntlworld.com>; Y Chrissy N-D <cnd998@hotmail.com>; Y Roger&Bev Howell <bevrog@btinternet.com>; Y Jane Ing, Weston Wildflowers <cgf.ing121@btinternet.com>; Y Sarah Bant <SarahBant@icloud.com>; Y Vanessa Blackbow Hill <vgiblets@googlemail.com>; Y Dee Ploszay <dee.ploszay@gmail.com>; Y Jacky Burchill Valeswood <Jacksy.Burchill@gmail.com>; Y Simon & Christina Russell Valeswood <SimonandChristina@me.com>; Y Debbie Knox, Valeswood <DebKnox@hotmail.co.uk>; Sue Hackett, Ruyton PC <RuytonXITownsPC@btinternet.com>; Pam Johnson <PamJohnson.99@gmail.com>; Y Rob O`Keef <bodywrx@rocketmail.com>; Y Bill & Maggie Barnes <Bill.Barnes02@gmail.com>; Y Helen Porter WestonLullingfields <HelenPorter62@gmail.com>; Y Gerry Tomlins Baschurch <GerryTomlins@hotmail.com>; Y Joanna Gears, Little Ness V.H. <JLGears@btinternet.com>; Y Mike Arthur <mjpaltd@gmail.com>; Y James Bond Shropshire Radio <James.Bond@BBC.co.uk>; Y Claire Vuckovic <Clairehv@hotmail.co.uk>; Nick Bardsley <Nick.Bardsley@shropshire.gov.uk>; Y Alex & Therese Ford Maple Villa <AlexFord287@gmail.com>; Y Liz Badger, Platt Bridge <LizBadger30@hotmail.com>; Y Dilys Gaskill Pant <Dilys@Gaskill.globalnet.co.uk>; Y Anita Roberts Ruyton <Anita.Roberts80@gmail.com>; Y Paul & Natalie Crisp/Overd Little Ness <n_overd@yahoo.co.uk>; Paul Kitchener Baschurch <gaspkitchener@btinternet.com>; Y Dave & Chris Wright <ValeswoodWright@btinternet.com>; Y Tonia Davies, Welshpool <ToniaDaviesProofReading@yahoo.co.uk>; Y Bob& Lyn Edwards <LinBob451@btinternet.com>; Y Mary Drinan, Startlewood <Mary.Drinan@gmail.com>; Pam Pritchard Little Ness Road <pamandp@gmail.com>; Y Fiona Wynn Weston Lullingfields <fionawynn76@gmail.com>; Y Helen Whiting <HelenWhiting17@btinternet.com>; Y Eddie & Clare Emblen <EddieandClare@btconnect.com>; Y Ironworks Joanne <JoanneJ@BlackCountryMetalworks.co.uk>; Y Howard & Pearl Bourne <HowardBourne@hotmail.com>; Y Ruyton P O & Shop <"joanne19 5thompson"@btinternet.com>; Y Moor Farm Shop <shop@moorfarmshop.co.uk>; Y Mark & Angie Taylor, The Steps <MarkrjTaylor@yahoo.co.uk>; Loz Gaskin, Boreatton Park <Loz.Gaskin@pgl.co.uk>; Y Carol Aspinall, The Quillets <grasshopper677@hotmail.com>; Y Pat Paddock <PatPaddock@ymail.com>; Y Avril & Russ, Brownhill <Sanders_Royle@btinternet.com>; Y Lesley Hall, Baschurch <Westfields10@icloud.com>; Mac N-D, Milford <macnidd998@gmail.com>; David & Gemma Paddock, School Road <mciverPaddockg@gmail.com>; David Spicer <Luke.Spicer@btinternet.com>; Karen Cafe Eleven <CafeElevenRXIT@gmail.com>; Peter & Margaret <MagandPete@yahoo.co.uk>; Maureen Wynn <Maureen.Wynn@btinternet.com>; John Gittins <office@whgittins.co.uk>; Sue Gwilliam, Mont.Br. <salzetland@hotmail.co.uk>; Michelle & Alan Doveston <Michelle_Dovaston@hotmail.com>; Ben Owen 188 <BenOwen88@hotmail.co.uk>; Alison Slater Baschurch Village Hall <AliSlater1@hotmail.co.uk>; Sarah Bayliss Ruyton School <SarahBayliss75@yahoo.com>; Jonty & Caroline Olufsen, Drs Meadow <JontyOlufsen@googlemail.com>; Jocelyn & Tony Jenkins <jocelynjenkins23@btinternet.com>; Sam Dow, Platt Mill Farm <Sam.Dow@hotmail.co.uk>; Andrew Johnson <Andrew@quillerbooks.com>; Janet Marie Cameron <JanetMarie1@hotmail.co.uk>; Catherine Liney, Old School, Ruyton <CatherineLiney@me.com>; Scott & Rachel Denyer <Scott.racheldenyer@gmail.com>; Chris Ayers <AyersChris@outlook.com>; Faye Slater Platt Bridge <FayeSlater1@hotmail.com>; Jo <JBrobeck@gmail.com>; Sandy Brite, School Road <SBrite@btinternet.com>; Selina Thomson, Ruyton Hall <LadyCucumber@gmail.com>; Jon Ellis, School Road <JonEllis9@live.co.uk>; John & Joy Brown, Burlton <JohnnJoy1@outlook.com>; Y Mary Lacey, School Road <MaryLacey126@btinternet.com>; Y Steve & Jill Owen HistClub <mail@sjowen.plus.com>; Margaret Lycett <MargaretLycett1@gmail.com>; Phil Kenning <info@kenningillustration.co.uk>; Camilla Loney Weston Lullingfields <Camilla.Loney@gmail.com>; L ucinda Vicar, RXIT <RevLucinda@blaze.org.uk>; Frances Leigh, Great Ness <hope.fairdinkum@gmail.com>; Cindy& Carl, Bridge Inn <cindy.wilday@gocarz.co.uk>; Julia Bennett, Baschurch <S.Bennett263@btinternet.com>; Rosie Wood Marches estate <Rosie@RosieWood.com>; Sarah McManus British Ironworks <SarahMc@blackcountrymetalworks.co.uk>; Sandra & Owain Walters, Wykey Road <OwainWalters42@gmail.com>; David & Anita White <DKW5745@gmail.com>; Martin Richards Baschurch Fire Station <Sarah@maplebusinessservices.co.uk>; Susan & David Williams 210 <suanddave@btinternet.com>; Y Kate Brown Weston Lull <katharine.brown99@gmail.com>; Llinos Evans, Gittins estate <LlinosEvans@yahoo.co.uk>; Carolyn Robertson, Wykey <Carolyn.Robertson1@sky.com>; Brenda & Keith <nicholson54603@btinternet.com>; Andrea Hall ParishCouncil <andrea.c.hall@outlook.com>; Nuno & Dora <nuno.6969@hotmail.com>; Community police PC 3194 Moth <Mark.moth@westmercia.pnn.police.uk>; Anna Lloyd Birch Grove <LloydAM@hotmail.com>; Jackie Jones Weston Lull <jackiejones280@gmail.com>; Samantha Hutchinson, Shotatton <sam.hutchinson13@btinternet.com>; Fi English, Baschurch <mikeandfi@aol.com>; David Sheran Doctor`s Meadow <dave.shearan@icloud.com>; Sheila Field Baschurch <sheila03.field@gmail.com>; Emma Chapman, Eardiston <emma@johnrchapman.plus.com>; Y Chris & Alison Little Ness <alioldham1@gmail.com>; Belinda Moor Farm <belindapaul123@btinternet.com>; Carolyn Bakewell, Bagley <carolynbakewell@btinternet.com>; Bronwen Kelly Boreatton <bronwenkelly8@gmail.com>; Pete Walls, Little Ness <petewalls@hotmail.com>; Chris Riley, Eardiston <chris.riley52@googlemail.com>; Melanie Hinwood, Little Ness Road <dm.hinwood@btinternet.com>; Y Shirlie & Roger Briers <Roger.briers@gmail.com>; Amy Jones Doctors Meadow <amybozi17@gmail.com>; Alison Curran Hall Farm Grange <Alison.Curran52@yahoo.com>; Y Jane Leadbeater <leadbeaterJane@gmail.com>; Ian Pinner 213 <ian.pinner@gmail.com>; Kath Cartright S chool Road <kathcartwright51@gmail.com>; Ruth Hodson Baschurch B&B <RuthHodson@gmail.com>; Sarah Boutwood URC Chapel <ruytonoldchapel@gmail.com>; Julie & Paul Withers Bridge Field <green-garden@hotmail.co.uk>
Subject: Can you help?
Message from Avril on the Brownhill.
Does anyone out there have 7 wooden poles of 5 to 6 metres in length and unwanted pallets? I'm looking for donations of these items only at this stage to build the frame for the beacon for the Battle's Over for the Remembrance Day Centenary event. At this stage I can't take other items until the frame is constructed and it would be terrible if money was spent on poles when someone has them to give.
Yoland Brown
Brownhill House B&B & Garden, Ruyton XI Towns nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR
Tel: 01939 261 121
www.eleventowns.co.uk www.eleventowns.org uk www.eleventowns.com
ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club - www.ShACC-uk.org
MAILING LIST for Ruyton XI Towns area
Yo`s blog: http://Yo-emails.blogspot.co.uk