Dear Blogger
Some of you might have seen the piece on the front page of last Tuesday`s Shropshire Star, that £225,000 had been awarded for Ruyton XI Towns Road Safety Scheme.
As I had not heard anything about this, I asked Simon Gittins and David Spicer to give us more information. Apparently, after years of campaigning, this award has come out of the blue to the Parish Council.
Thank you Simon and David, I am sure we all look forward to hearing more about the traffic calming plans to make our village safer.
Message from Smon Gittins, Chairman, and David Spicer, Safer Roads & Vice Chairman, of the Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
£225,000 funding for traffic calming in Ruyton XI Towns
Shropshire Council has approved a grant of £225,000 for a project to improve road safety in Ruyton XI Towns. The grant has been made available from the Community Infrastructure Levy Fund (CIL) which is levied by Shropshire Council on new developments in their area and used to benefit local communities.
After years of campaigning by RXIT Parish Council and work by the Safer Roads Group for effective measures to limit the speed and volume of traffic through the village, a project for Ruyton XI Towns was on a list of schemes that were a priority for Shropshire Council Highways. However, no funding was allocated.
The CIL Team and Highways and Transport Team have worked to draw up a list of sites across Shropshire to approve for CIL funding as part of a large project to assess highway sites and local needs.
The grant for Ruyton XI Towns is the largest amount awarded to a single project from the list of priorities that was assessed.
WSP, Shropshire Council's contracted Civil, Highways and Transport. Engineering Consultancy has been commissioned to consider options and design the work with an expectation that they will involve the Parish Council and local community.
The Parish Council is determined that this funding will be an opportunity to ensure not only that Ruyton XI Towns becomes a safer place but also that the changes will be an example of how improved road safety can also lead to an improved environment and enhanced attractiveness for the village. The local community will be informed, involved and consulted.
Simon Gittins
David Spicer
Vice Chair
Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council