Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Agenda for zoom meeting of Parish Council 5th January 2021

Dear Blogger

Message from Lydia Bardsley, Parish Clerk for Ruyton XI Towns

Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council,

next meeting 5th Jan 2021 at 6.30pm using Zoom.

Members of the public are very welcome to join the meeting. The agenda and information on how to join the Zoom meeting can be found on the Council's agenda and minutes page of the website, but participants must request the passcode directly from the clerk. There is a Remote Meeting Protocol, which we recommend participants read before joining the meeting.

Amongst other matters, the Council will be discussing coronavirus, the last casual vacancy, budget and precept proposals for 2021-22, the Annual Risk Assessment, Shropshire Local Plan consultation, and climate emergency actions. If any of you have any suggestions for community projects or activities for our Action Plan please do get in touch, we are very interested in your input!


Kind regards,

Lydia Bardsley
Clerk to Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
01691 238267
164 Cabin Lane
SY11 2PF