A WAY OF SEEING WITH REG TURRELL New Morning These mornings I have been enjoying my first coffee of the day in our sunroom, watching the spectacular sunrises through our trees and becoming aware that the sun is at times so intense that trees in front seem to be obliterated by the light. I have also noticed that if I stare too intensely, the trees seem to shift in relationship to each other. This is why I cut the painting into three sections and put them back together slightly out of alignment. I find it fascinating that our eyes can play such tricks on us. Makes painting a lot more interesting! | | | BORDERLAND VISUAL ARTS AND WINTER OPEN EXHIBITION Promoting local artists Until 5 March | | A diverse range of high-quality and innovative artworks to browse and buy (see a small selection below) RIGHT: Willow Gallery curator-manager Anthony Smith pictured with some of the artworks on display (courtesy Shropshire Star) | | Four watercolours from Angela Scott reflect the beauty of nature CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT Douro - Autumn; Spring Dream II; Autumn Vineyards II; Summer's End | | Angela also recently hosted an exhibition to raise money for Alzheimer's Research. The exhibition, in her studio at her home near Ellesmere, was in honour of big sister Jenny who has dementia. Angela wanted to show her gratitude to the staff at Jenny's care home, and teamed up with ceramicist Caroline Pearce for this special fundraising event. Ten of Angela's paintings were sold, raising in excess of £3500, while Caroline donated £525 to the cause. | Sisters Jenny and Angela: Jenny shows off one of Angela's pantings (Mawddach Estuary) | | Angela is also making a donation to stage a musical evening for the residents of Jenny's care home where art classes and music are part of daily life. A former England Reserves lacrosse player and Cheshire County tennis player, Jenny taught all her working life (in both the UK and Canada), wrote a book on dance and, while living in Cheshire, was four-times Mayor of Knutsford. Among the guests at Angela's studio, current mayor Stewart Gardiner wore his ceremonial chain, helping Jenny bring back some memories of a chapter in her life when she was very happy. Caroline with her ceramics | | New book for sale in our shop In 7th-century Wales, as the kingdoms of post-Roman Britain struggle for a new order, Rhun's chieftain father is called away to war. Left to care for his people, Rhun is soon tasked with a dangerous mission of his own. Gathering a small band of friends, he sets out into the unknown to face a deadly enemy, battle and death. Author Jas Davidson is an artist and sculptor, a member of Borderland Visual Arts, who lives and works in North Shropshire and specialises in bronze figurative sculpture inspired by the Green Man legends. | | | UPCOMING EXHIBITIONS MIXED SPRING EXHIBITION: 12 March-30 April Including works by Margaret Charman, Maggie Furmanek, Judith Harrison, Jaci Hogan, Alison Holt and Sara Piper Heap BORDERLAND VISUAL ARTS: 7 May-25 June Including Artists' Open Studios 11 & 12 June and 18 & 19 June SHROPSHIRE GUILD OF CONTEMPORARY CRAFT: Summer 2021 Celebrating the very best of local handmade crafts | | | WORKSHOPS & COURSES March-July 2022 Please see attached summary and our website for full details and updates Book online, by 'phone (01691 657575) or in person | | If you would like to learn something new or want to refresh or expand your skills, we run a programme of art and craft classes taught by expert tutors. Our workshops and courses are also a great gift idea for a friend or family member looking to start their own creative journey. You will learn in a small group so will get plenty of individual help, advice and feedback. Bring your own lunch/snacks for the day or buy from our cafĂ©. | Try your hand at mosaics at Lindsey Kennedy's spring workshop | | All our current classes are for students age 18+. Please find full details, including any tools, materials or equipment to bring, along with terms and conditions, on our website. Pre-payment is required to confirm a place. In the event of having to cancel a class in response to Covid restrictions or other unavoidable circumstances and it not being possible to reschedule for a later date, a full refund will be given. | | IMPROVING A LIKENESS IN PORTRAITS Students on David Bannister's recent portrait workshop had a great day working from a life model. David, a practising portrait as well as landscape artist, is always full of encouragement, giving everyone attention as required, and was very pleased with the efforts of his students, including some who had never attempted a portrait before achieving dimension and realism. David will be running a similar course next month (see webpage) and offers a warm welcome to everyone, whatever their level of expertise. An expressive life-drawing portrait from one of David's students | | | OTHER LOCAL EVENTS & INFORMATION | | ON SCREEN AT KINOKULTURE Oswestry's community cinema ROMEO & JULIET Sunday 20 February, 2pm Watch Shakespeare's enduring love story performed by the Royal Ballet  Marcelino SambĂ© and Anna-Rose O'Sullivan Further information and tickets at kinokulture | | Live music and performing art at Hermon Chapel, Oswestry Friendly venue Licensed bar See upcoming events at hermon-arts.org.uk/ | | | DARWIN DAY: 12 February  The Quantum Leap Near Shrewsbury's Welsh Bridge, alongside the River Severn Homage to Charles Darwin who was born in the town February 12, 1809 Aboard HMS Beagle, Darwin travelled for five years, documenting natural life and zoology throughout the voyage. Causing much furore, his groundbreaking book On the Origin of Species, laying the theory of evolution, was published in 1859.  Darwin's Finches - Mural by Matt Sewell DARWIN MEMORIAL LECTURE SOCIAL EVOLUTION IN DARWIN'S WORLD Theatre Severn, Shrewsbury Sunday 13 February, ? 2.30-8.30pm ? Tickets £12.50 In this lecture, followed by audience Q&A, Robin Dunbar, Emeritus Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at Oxford University, presents some novel ideas on how mammal, primate and especially human societies have evolved. www.theatresevern.co.uk | | | Oswestry Antique & Collectors' Fair Oswestry Showground Saturday 19 & Sunday 20 February ? £3.50 A BBC Bargain Hunt favourite, Oswestry Antique & Collectors' Fair regularly sees 200 stalls of experienced dealers from all over the country. Please see website for details | | Zadok Ben-David: Natural Reserve Kew Gardens (Shirley Sherwood Gallery of Botanical Art) Until 27 March  In a visually and philosophically fascinating exhibition, acclaimed Israeli sculpture artist Zadok Ben-David explores our relationship with nature and the ever-increasing fragility of our natural world. The exhibition includes an installation of more than 17000 steel-etched and hand-painted flowers inspired by 19th-century botanical illustrations contained within Kew's archive. Book via Kew Gardens website | | | FRANCIS BACON : MAN & BEAST Royal Academy, London Until 17 April The exhibition includes 45 works, from his early paintings of biomorphic creatures from the 1930s and '40s to a powerful trio of paintings of corridas (bullfights) from 1969. The latter are shown together for the first time, next to his final work, a haunting study of a bull painted in 1991 (a few months before his death). | | | Tel: 01691 657575 email: willowgalleryoswestry.gmail.com Website: willowgalleryoswestry.org Facebook: Willow Address: 56 Willow Street, Oswestry, Shropshire SY11 1AD Gallery/CafĂ© open Tues-Sat 10am-4pm Closed: Sundays/Mondays/Bank Holidays | | |