Friday, 4 February 2022

LADS Play Reading and Workshop - Dates for your diary

Message from Llanymynech Amateur Dramatic Soceity

COME TO OUR PLAY READING next week, on Wednesday 9th February, 7:30pm at Llanymynech Village Hall - Come along for a read through and show your interest in Fancying Sheep... Yes, you did read that right.

Join us for a fun evening reading Vic Mill's comedy, Fancying Sheep. It is a contender for entry into the Montgomery Community Drama Association's (MDCA's) One Act Festival. If you're interested in being involved, or just want a fun evening out, please feel free to join us. 
Sunday 20th February, 10am - 1pm at Pant Village Hall
We are running another of our popular workshops. Free to members, and only £5 to non-members, it's sure to be great fun.
Why not become a member of The LADS. For only £15 per year your membership allows free access to our workshops, a discount on the bar at all our performances in Llanymynech and additional ticket price perks. Also you get to be part of this brilliant organisation.
You can join by paying £15 to:
Llanymynech Amateur Dramatic Society
Account Number 41283642
Sort Code 40-35-32
Or email for other ways to begin your membership.
Your money goes towards supporting the local arts and is an absolute bargain. Thank you for your support.