Monday, 20 February 2023

Ruyton Century Club for Village Hall

Message from Colin Case, Ruyton XI Towns Village Hall.


January's draw is postponed until the first week of March, with the February Draw.

I have to wait for a Bank Statement at the end of February to check exactly who has re-joined for this year.

Sadly a few members are not continuing their membership, for a variety of reasons.

On the up-side we have new members joining – welcome and good luck!


The delay offers the opportunity for even more new members to join – we are not limited to 100 members.

Any newcomers can let me know by all the usual methods and pay their £12 for the year either in cash or on-line.


Our on-line bank account is :-


Account holder: Ruyton XI Towns Village Hall

Account number: 62100904

Sort code: 04-14-50

Financial institution: SumUp Payments Limited


Colin Case    B.E.M.

Tel:    +44 1939 260 628

Mob:  +44 7860 904 006

VOIP: +44 1939 328 243 .uk