Tuesday, 20 February 2024

Flyers for Jewellery, gutters & trees

Dear Blogger

Yesterday I had three leaflets put through our door, one of which was for a company who will be in the village hall tomorrow, 21st February from 10.30 to 2pm to buy your family heirlooms.

I always think this is so sad that these items are often melted down and the historic craft work is lost for ever.  I am so glad I chose my precious little engagement ring from a antique shop, for the princely sum of £11 in 1964, rather than the trendy offering with red, blue, white or green stones from a high street jeweller, for £25!

The other leaflets were for gutter cleaning.  We have just had ours done by GutterPro.  Super efficient, a chap looks at the gutters with a camera, hoovers them clean and shows us the new photographs.  £149, for a lot of gutters at Brownhill House and no price rise in two years.  With 12 forest trees in this garden, there are a lot of leaves in our gutters!

The other leaflet was for tree services.  We had a huge branch of the willow come down after storm Babet, now nearly cleared up and burnt except for the big bit in the river which the Environment Agency will come and take away in their own time, as it is not endangering life or property. 

For other tree surgery jobs we have used Andy Gittins of Abbey Tree 07748 732 500.