Dear Blogger,
R.I.P. DAVE DICKEN, Valley View, Brownhill
We were so very sad to hear of the sudden death of David Dicken on Saturday 2nd March.
David has contributed so much to the life of the village with since he and Eunice moved here in the early 1970s. They have both been regular workers for the church and Dave was a great help to Les Foster when great changes were made in the church and Victoria Reading Rooms.
I believe David was a founder member of the Art Group and those of us involved with the Charter Festival will remember the `Audience in the Gallery` at the Taste of the Victorians Party and the `Musicians` at the Medieval Banquet, not to mention the `stone` castle at the Charter festivities in the Burgage Field.
However, perhaps David`s greatest achievement was the 4 years it took to work with English Heritage to get our castle preserved and listed and the new access to the church and Castle.
Thank you David.