Friday, 30 January 2015

Discretionary Housing Payment

Message from Colin Case.

As Colin says, he is just stating his observations as an individual.

Apparently there was some sort of meeting yesterday that confirmed that about £80,000 of the £380,00 grant given by Westminster to our Council to help less affluent residents with their rent is likely to be given back to Westminster. The grant is intended to help tenants struggling with their rent - perhaps because of the (inaccurately named) "Bedroom Tax"

It also became apparent that £60,000 of last year's grant of £270,000 has already been given back.

I don't understand all the reasons - maybe not enough claimants? (I don't recall it being extensively advertised) Or maybe the qualification criteria exclude many residents? Or perhaps our less affluent residents are too affluent?

Either way, this is surely outrageous - the money was intended for the less affluent in our communities and it is being returned.

I have copied this to local media in the hope that they can confirm the figures and maybe offer some sort of sensible explanation. But until there are proper reasons it just seems immoral to me.

I don't want to use Yoland's excellent list for politics, and of course this is not a matter for our Parish Council - it just seems wrong to me as an individual.

If I get a sensible explanation I promise to pass it on - I don't want to be unfair.

Colin Case
Tel: +44 1939 260628
Mobile: +44 7860 904006
Fax: +44 872 115 8730

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B, Ruyton XI Towns, nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club  Tel:  01939 261 121       Fax:  01939 260626  Yo's blog: