Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Next RXI Towns Parish Council Meeting Tues 5 June 2018 at 7.30 pm at The Victoria Room

Message from Sue Hackett, Ruyton XI Towns Parish Clerk.

Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council will be holding their next Parish Council Meeting on 5 June 2018 at 8.30 pm at The Victoria Room

The meeting agenda is attached for your information. Council are expected to discuss arrangements for a volunteer litter pick, the LED replacement scheme and much more...
If your interested in any of these items or simply want to find out more please come along to the meeting.

As you will be aware the Council has a new website which is well worth a visit; particularly if you want to catch up with council activities:

--   Yoland Brown  Brownhill House B&B & Garden, Ruyton XI Towns nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR  Tel:  01939 261 121 uk  ShACC - Shropshire Alternative Car Club -  MAILING LIST  for Ruyton XI Towns area  Yo`s blog: