Saturday, 27 February 2021

Bird box makers

Dear Blogger

Thank you to all the people who replied regarding bird boxes. Unfortunately the information is a bit hit and miss i.e. if no contact number/email is included, how do I know if people want their information to be broadcast?

Anyway, this is what has been sent to me.


Hazel - a local guy Chris. He and his partner have a Facebook page and Etsy site called BuiltByPixies.  Karen at CafĂ© XI will have his phone number.

David Shearan 07816 534 716 says Richard Gittins has made boxes before for the community. Some of his bird boxes are in the churchyard and on the Cliffe. Additionally he has made the first of several swift nest boxes which are going into the church belfry.

Jenny Baker - Shropshire Wildlife Trust, either for buying boxes or for instructions on how to build your own.

  • Best wishes, Jenny



Sue Boulding - John Lightfoot makes bird and owl boxes. He's very knowledgeable about birds and the size boxes they need, and runs the local Barn Owl Trust

Irena - Polly Warren at The Post Office Whittington . The boxes were £20 and the proceeds were for Whittington Castle. I have messaged her to ask for details . 

Lesley Hall - Roger Hall (my husband)is making bird boxes.He has been making them during lockdown and any money raised is going to NHS charities.

Roy Doveston  01939261056 or his mobile 07903128128, Weston Lullingfields