Message from Lydia Bardsley, Ruyton XI Towns Parish Clerk.
Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council,
next meeting 5th April 2022 at 6.30pm, St John the Baptist School.
The agenda is attached and can also be found on the Council's agenda and minutes page of the website. As cases of Covid-19 are still high in Shropshire, parishioners are still encouraged to raise matters in writing to the clerk if they do not need to attend in person. Matters raised will be discussed and responses sent after the meeting.
If you do feel you need to attend in person, please email the clerk or telephone (01691 674742) so we can make sure that we can accommodate everyone safely.
Amongst other matters, the Council will be reviewing the Cliffe management contract, and formally declaring the Cliffe as a Local Nature Reserve. We will also consider streetlighting on Brownhill, and Jubilee plans. There is also a planning application in Wigmarsh to consider. No election was called for the recent casual vacancy, so we will also be setting a deadline for applications for co-option. We will also be receiving year-end finance and asset inspection reports, and making arrangements for internal and external audit.
Kind regards,
Lydia Bardsley
Clerk to Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
Please note new address and phone number below:
11 High Fawr Close, Oswestry, SY11 1TE
01691 674742